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If one more person talks about the benefits of mindfulness, I will throw cabbage at them. Just kidding. But I do have lots of cabbage happily rotting away in my, kitchen thanks to the wellness obsession(着迷) that failed to keep my attention. This is a symptom of a phenomenon known as “wellness tiredness”.

Wellness is seriously big business with a worth of $3.72 trillion and a healthy annual growth of 14 percent. To satisfy this consuming desire, brands of super foods and various exercise classes crowd in. “The problem with all this constantly changing information on what to eat or which exercise class to take is that people begin to form distorted(扭曲的) mindsets towards the idea of a healthy lifestyle,” explains Dr Bijal, a psychologist at Nightingale Hospital. “The least harmful result of a distorted mindset will be confusion. The most harmful would be serious physical and mental disorders like extreme dieting or over-exercising.”

It’s little wonder that many people are beginning to reject the idea of wellness and the lifestyle it advocates. “I can’t tell you the number of wellness accounts I’ve unfollowed on Instagram,” one fitness-enthusiast friend tells me. When I ask her why, she tells me that the public pursuit(追求) of wellness has reached “the eye-roll stage”. Meanwhile, sales of fitness trackers and wearable wellness things have dropped sharply.

Speaking of gym culture, which offers classes like Hula Hoop and Yoga, it’s also beginning to show signs that people are returning to more conventional forms of exercise-some that wouldn’t look out of place on a school timetable.

The whole point of wellness is that it should become such an everyday thing that you forget about seeking it. Living a healthy lifestyle becomes a given rather than something singled out as impressive and worth applauding. Now, more people are starting to cycle to and from work, swim on lunch breaks and even try to buy old school exercise bikes.

1.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A.The wellness business costs people a great deal of money.

B.People are faced with too many food and exercise choices.

C.Distorted mindsets to wellness cause harmful consequences.

D.The wellness industry has been developing at a steady speed.

2.Why is the author’s friend mentioned in paragraph 3?

A.To inform us wearable wellness things are not popular.

B.To advocate the idea of wellness and a healthy lifestyle.

C.To tell us that online wellness accounts are hard to follow.

D.To show the public’s unfavorable attitude to wellness obsession.

3.Why are people starting to return to traditional forms of exercise?

A.Sports such as cycling are more impressive.

B.People are treating wellness as an everyday thing.

C.Classes like Hula Hoop and Yoga are too expensive.

D.People have come to know wellness is not so necessary.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text r?

A.The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

B.Are You Suffering from Wellness Tiredness?

C.The Benefits of Mindfulness in Wellness Industry

D.What is the Real Meaning of Wellness Obsession?

