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Have you ever been to hospital? Did you notice that it was very clean? Were you looked after by a nurse?

Hospitals have not always been clean, quiet places. Long ago they were dirty and overcrowded. Nurses were never taught how to look after their patients and many people died. Thanks to Florence Nightingale, who changed all this.

Florence was born in 1820. She spent a lot of time playing with her dolls. She would pretend that the dolls were sick and she was their nurse. People would bring sick or hurt animals to her to look after. She even mended a dog’s broken leg when she was a young girl. She often went with her mother to visit the poor people. They took food and medicine to the sick. It was these visits that first gave her the idea of becoming a nurse.

Florence really wanted to be a doctor but she couldn’t because in those days only men were allowed to become doctors. She decided that she wanted to become a nurse. Her parents were very angry; the daughters of rich people did not work at all and they certainly did not become nurses. But Florence had made up her mind.

Her chance came in 1854 when Britain went to war with Russia in a place called the Crimea. Florence was asked to take a group of nurses to look after the sick and wounded soldiers. The hospitals were dirty, and there was not enough medicine. There were not enough beds, so some people were just lying on rags in the mud. There was so much sickness that the doctors could not treat all the soldiers.

Florence and her team cleaned the hospital rooms and beds. They made sure that the bandages were clean and that the soldiers get enough medicine. The army was unhappy because there were women so close to the fighting. They gave the nurses a lot of trouble. Florence and her team worked hard. Consequently, Florence became famous as “The Lady of the Lamp”.

After the war, Florence returned to London a national hero. A great welcome was prepared for her, but she slipped into the country unnoticed. She opened a school to teach nurses how to look after their patients properly. She never really got better from the illness that she had in the Crimea and she died in 1910.

1.What’s the purpose of Para.1?

A.To arouse readers’interest. B.To tell the history of hospitals.

C.To ask some questions to readers. D.To recall our memories as patients.

2.Florence had the idea of becoming a nurse when______.

A.she played with her dolls

B.she visited the poor people

C.she mended a dog’s broken leg

D.she looked after sick or hurt animals

3.What can you infer from the passage?

A.Women were not willing to become doctors at that time.

B.Florence received professional training before the war.

C.Hospitals were dirty and had no patients before.

D.Florence was brought up in a wealthy family.

4.How did the army react to the presence of women nurses?

A.Satisfied. B.Angry. C.Disappointed. D.Worried.

5.What kind of woman do you think Florence Nightingale is?

A.Wealthy and outgoing. B.Beautiful and creative.

C.Determined and modest. D.Clever and considerate.

