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There are some very good inventions which, for one reason or another, don't become popular. These inventions should be better known, even though I think that some of them are crazy. Let's have a look at some of these inventions and see if you agree that they should be more successful.

The Australians had a great idea to stop people from drinking and driving. The idea was that if a driver wanted to start the car, she or he would have to blow into a bag first. If there was too much alcohol (酒精) in their breath. The car wouldn't start. It sounds like a great idea to me, but people said that they might need to drive the car in an emergency (紧急情况) even if they had drunk too much alcohol. Another idea I liked was an invention by a scientist who thought his children watched too much TV. He connected the TV to an exercise bike so that the electricity to power the TV was produced by the bike. If the children wanted to watch a lot of TV, they had to pedal (踩踏) very hard.

One of the strangest inventions I have come across is a bicycle which can cross rivers! The idea was that when you came to a river, you could inflate (充气) a huge plastic ball all around the bike. You would then get into the ball which would float on the river while you pedaled the bike inside the ball! Why not use a bridge instead?

One thing I would like is a baseball cap with a built-in radio, so you can listen to sport all day with your hands free. The Americans invented a kind of robot for sports fans. If you were watching your team on TV on your own, you could press a button (按钮) and the robot would do 'high-fives' with you! That's fantastic! I wonder if you have any wonderful ideas for inventions like these.

1.How many inventions are mentioned in the passage?

A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6

2.What should you do if you want to watch TV according to the scientist's invention in the passage?

A.You should press the button. B.You have to pedal the bike hard.

C.You have to inflate a plastic ball. D.You must turn on the power.

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The writer doesn't like the invention of a bicycle that can cross the river.

B.you can watch matches by wearing a baseball cap with a built-in radio.

C.You can start the car after drinking if you have an emergency.

D.You needn't pedal the bicycle while you are inside the huge plastic ball.

4.What's the meaning of the underlined word "high-fives" in the last paragraph?

A.举手击掌 B.举高手掌 C.挥手欢呼 D.起立欢呼

5.What's the passage mainly talking about?

A.The reason why these inventions don't become popular.

B.These inventions should be more successful.

C.Everyone should have one wonderful idea like these inventions.

D.Some information about unusual inventions.

