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It's incredible to think that people haven't even been using the Internet for 30 years. When the Internet was first used, you had to connect through a telephone line and it could be very slow.Things have changed a lot since then. Today nearly four billion people have a mobile gadget(小器具), such as a smartphone, a tablet, or both. And with Wi­Fi in many public spaces, it's easier than ever to connect.

Many agree that mobile gadgets and the apps on them are useful. They make our lives so much easier. We can do things like searching for a word in the dictionary or using a flashlight with just the swipe of a finger! At any time and place, we can send and receive e­mails, play games, or look up information. We can also share photos and videos or chat with friends and family using mobile technology. Smartphones have made it possible to send texts. By 2015, people were sending eight trillion texts per year. It's now the most popular way to communicate.

Because it's so useful, people spend a lot of time on the Internet. Probably too much time! In fact, the average person is online for almost four and a half hours each day. We connect to the Internet with a smartphone more than any other device. Some people worry that we spend too much time with our gadgets. What about you? Do you spend too much time on the Internet?

1.When the Internet was first used, you had to connect through a(n) ________.

A.smartphone B.tablet C.telephone line D.app

2.How many people have a mobile gadget today?

A.About one billion. B.About two million.

C.About three million. D.About four billion.

3.The underlined word “swipe”in the passage means “________”.

A.love B.hit C.study D.way

4.We can find this passage in ________.

A.a report B.a fiction C.a newspaper D.a movie

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.A smartphone and a tablet are very useful.

B.Never spend too much time on computers.

C.The Internet is useful but we shouldn't spend too much time on it.

D.The Internet makes our lives much easier.

