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Irma started a business, but later because of lack money, he had to close it. After that he started to feel very _________.

This problem of Irma was later _________ by Professor Krishnan. One day he _________ Irma to his home and asked, "Are you still _________?" "Yes, all my efforts have been _________." Ima answered. Hearing this, the professor _________ him a dead tomato plant and said, "I take care of it carefully, _________ it still died. There is always something _________ that happens." "If success is only a matter of luck, what is the _________ of doing so much?" asked Irma. "You will understand after you open that door," said the professor. Irma opened it, and saw lots of __________ and healthy tomato plants there. "Oh! How did you do that?" asked Irma.

"Of course, not all my efforts have been wasted; so it is with yours. If you __________ doing the right things, then your __________ of success are greatly increased. But if you feel defeated because of failure, life won't give you any __________. "At last, Irma understood the lesson of success, __________ what to do and came out with renewed energy. Finally he had a very big business.

It is true that no matter what we try, we can't __________ the result, but it's also true that those, who never give up, achieve success in the end.

1.A.scared B.depressed C.shocked D.determined

2.A.discovered B.analyzed C.valued D.complained

3.A.wished B.encouraged C.invited D.permitted

4.A.interested B.determined C.committed D.annoyed

5.A.recognized B.wasted C.acknowledged D.ignored

6.A.mailed B.returned C.showed D.indicated

7.A.but B.so C.or D.and

8.A.unusual B.unfortunate C.unforgettable D.unexpected

9.A.importance B.purpose C.advantage D.theory

10.A.strong B.new C.weak D.regular

11.A.avoid B.consider C.keep D.enjoy

12.A.options B.chances C.features D.virtues

13.A.reward B.property C.money D.harvest

14.A.pointed out B.figured out C.left out D.gave out

15.A.replace B.select C.control D.indicate

