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If you’re feeling empty, you’re not alone. Many of us feel empty in different ways. For instance, you might feel empty because something is missing in your life. Or the emptiness might stem from slowly abandoning yourselves, not listening to your own hopes and desires. Abandoning yourselves can also spark anxiety, depression, guilt and shame, 1.. Here are several suggestions to help you out.

Acknowledge the emptiness. If you're experiencing emptiness that's more like a gaping hole, acknowledge it, and be gentle with yourself. 2. If this emptiness is because of a loved one's passing, get angry with yourself.  In that case you learn to live life alongside that hole of missing that person.

Explore your feelings of emptiness. Scientists suggested exploring the below questions. We can do this while journaling, taking a walk or drinking a cup of tea.

●Do I tell myself positive things?

●What am I trying to prove or win?


●Am I blaming myself for things that are out of my control?

4. Fight the urge to turn to the outside world for fulfillment. Instead of trying to fill the emptiness with drugs, alcohol, TV, computer games or anything else, look within, and spend time with yourself. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you practice devoting time and energy to yourself and caring for yourself, the less present those empty feelings, will be.

5.Whether you are experiencing difficult relationships, losses, or feeling a lack of purpose or mining, you are worthy of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

A.Explore your current feelings.

B.Spend with yourself every day.

C.How do you handle your emptiness?

D.Den t heat yourself up for feeling this way.

E.Have I been judging myself or comparing myself to others?

F.It's important to acknowledge and accept your feelings of emptiness.

G.Do you too much time on TV, computer games or anything else?

