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本卷共 23 题,其中:
单项填空 15 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读理解 4 题,其他题 1 题,短文改错 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 3 题,中等难度 18 题,困难题 2 题。总体难度: 简单
单项填空 共 15 题
  1. ----- Better get down to your work, Tom.


    A. Never mind    B. Mind your own business   C. Don’t mention it   D. So what

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  2. -----You must have enjoyed using your new camera on the trip to Tibet.

    ----- I would have, but I _____ it in David’s car when he drove me to the airport.

    A. had left      B. have left       C. were to leave     D. left

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. The moonlight was bright and about 15 yards up the road there was a deep ___ thrown by a tree.

    A. shade       B. shelter         C. shadow        D. reflection

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. It even leaves the wise scientists in wonder____ they should call the newly-born creature, which looks half-human and half-animal.

    A. what       B. how           C. why         D. that

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. The topic, _______ we devoted a heated discussion last night, is a hot issue at present.

    A. which       B. where         C. to which       D. for which

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  6. ---Did you see clearly who the driver was?

    ---No, so quickly _____ that I couldn’t have a good look at the face.

    A. the car would speed by         B. the car sped by 

    C. would the car speed by         D. did the car speed by

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. We had our bad times but on the whole we are ____ happy with our life.

    A. merely      B. rarely      C. fairly        D. chiefly

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  8. Do you think the possibly _____retirement will result in high unemployment rate?

    A. delayed     B. to delay     C. to be delayed    D. delaying

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. Upon arriving home from a business trip, dad asked mum about my academic performance at high school and then _____ of my little sister, who was in junior school.

    A. one        B. it        C. that         D. the one

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. I am sorry I can’t meet you at the station. I _____ by the time you come back from abroad.

    A. am leaving     B. had left     C. will have left     D. have left

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. ----Did you make it at last?

    ----Yes. But for your help, it _____ a serious loss.

    A. would cause   B. must have caused   C. might cause   D. would have caused

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  12. The moment I completed the 800- meter race in the sports meeting, my legs _______.

    A. gave out     B. gave away     C. gave in     D. gave up

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  13. They say the busiest day of the year, _____ the number of shoppers, is usually the Saturday before Christmas.

    A. in case of     B. in terms of      C. in honor of     D. in favor of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. The result was far beyond _____ we had expected, _____ delighted every one of us.

    A. that; which    B. that; that       C. what; what     D. what; which

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. ----Hi, can I speak to Mr. Brown now?

    ----Sorry, but he is not ______. He’s having a meeting now.

    A. accessible     B. available      C. convenient     D. vacant

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. I’m sitting in a quiet room at the Millcroft Hotel, a peaceful place hidden back among pine trees about an hour out of Toronto. It’s just past noon, late July, and I’m    the desperate (绝望的) sounds of a life-and-death    going on a few feet away.

    There’s a small        burning out the last of its short life’s energies in a (an)     to fly through the glasses of the window.        , it’s not working. The great effort offers no hope for survival. Ironically (讽刺地), the struggle is part of the trap. It is       for the fly to try hard enough to succeed in        through the glass. This fly is doomed (注定失败). It will        there on the windowsill.

    Across the room, ten steps    , the door is open. Ten seconds of flying time and this small creature could reach the outside world it       . With only a small effort now being      , it could be free of this self-set      . The breakthrough possibility is there. It would be so       .

    Why doesn’t the fly try another approach,         dramatically different? How did it get so locked in on the idea       this particular route and determined effort offer the most promise for success?

    No doubt this way makes     to the fly. Regrettably, it is an idea that will kill it.

    Trying hard isn’t necessarily the solution      achieving your goal. It may not offer any real    for getting what you want out of life. Sometimes, in fact, it is a big part of the problem.

    If you        your hopes like the fly for a break-through, you may        your chances for success.

    1.A. seeing        B. crying out       C. watching        D. listening to 

    2.A. struggle       B. cry           C. yell           D. test

    3.A. bird         B. fly           C. insect          D. worm

    4.A. experience      B. direction       C. force           D. attempt

    5.A. Thus         B. So           C. Although         D. However

    6.A. usual         B. likely         C. impossible        D. uncommon

    7.A. digging       B. breaking        C. pushing         D. jumping

    8.A. kill          B. die           C. lie            D. stick

    9.A. away         B. far           C. near           D. distant

    10.A. dreams to      B. thinks of        C. looks after        D. longs for

    11.A. done         B. owned         C. wasted          D. planned

    12.A. tunnel        B. trap           C. cave           D. goal

    13.A. easy         B. necessary        C. hard           D. obvious 

    14.A. attempt       B. anything         C. struggle         D. something

    15.A. that         B. what           C. which          D. where

    16.A. sense         B. trouble         C. room           D. effort

    17.A. of          B. from           C. off            D. to

    18.A. advice        B. support         C. hope           D. power

    19.A. risk         B. get           C. make           D. take

    20.A. fail         B. kill           C. overlook          D. fulfill

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. It was the first snow of the winter---an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up to now, I had been old enough to dress myself, but today I would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher, Ontario, had been through best snow days many times, but I think she may still remember this one.

    I managed to get into my wool snow trousers. But I struggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear the ugly clothes. At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots.

    In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of the winter, you will all be able to put on your own boots.” I didn’t realize at the time that it was more a statement of hope than of confidence.

    I handed her my boots and stuck out my feet. Like most children, I expected the adult to do all the work. After much pushing, she managed to get the first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.

    I announced, “They are on the wrong feet.”

    She struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.

    “They are my brother’s boots, you know, I hate them.”

    Somehow, from long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl. She struggled with me. She asked “now, where are your mittens(手套)?”

    I looked into her eyes and said, “I didn’t want to lose them, so I hid them in the toes of my boots.”

    1.The little girl was more satisfied with her __________.

    A. trousers       B. jackets       C. boots     D. hat

    2.Miss Finlayson had difficulty with the little girl’s boots mainly because________.

    A. the girl got them from her brother

    B. the girl put something in them

    C. they were on the wrong feet

    D. they did not fit the girl well

    3.Why does the author say Miss Finlayson would remember that first snow day?

    A. Because the little girl was in her brother’s clothes.

    B. Because it was the most exciting day of the winter.

    C. Because the little girl wore a pretty scarf.

    D. Because the little girl played a trick on her.

    4.It can be inferred from the passage that Miss Finlayson _______________.

    A. was losing confidence in the little girl

    B. was gradually losing patience with the little girl

    C. became disappointed with the little girl

    D. got curious about the little girl

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. American children are not the only couch potatoes with nearly one third of children globally spending 3 hours a day or more watching TV or on computers, according to the study of over 70,000 teens in 34 nations.

    From Argentina to Zambia, Regina Guthold of the World Health Organization in Geneva and her colleagues found most children were not getting enough exercise and that it made no difference whether they live in a rich or a poor country. “With regards to physical levels, we didn’t find much of a difference between rich and poor countries,” Guthold said, “Growing up in a poor country doesn’t necessarily mean kids get more physical activities.”

    The researchers defined adequate physical activity as at least an hour of exercise outdoors for at least 5 days a week. Children spending 3 or more hours a day watching TV, playing computer games or chatting with friends were classified as sedentary.

    The researchers found only a quarter of the boys and 15 percent of the girls were getting enough exercise by these definitions. A quarter of boys and nearly 30% of girls were sedentary and didn’t get enough exercise with girls less active than boys in every country aside from Zambia.

    Girls from India were the most active with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendation, while girls from Egypt were the least active with 4 percent getting enough exercise. Children in Myanmar were the least sedentary while the most sedentary nations were St .Lucia and the Cayman Islands.

    People show deep concern for kids’ lack of physical activity in various nations. Why do they have a low level of physical activity? Guthold speculated(认为)that urbanization could be a factor as well as easy access to cars and TVs.

    1.If you are sedentary, you ____________.  

    A. are a diligent student spending much time doing homework

    B. have at least an hour of exercise outdoors 5 days a week.

    C. like watching TV and playing computer games

    D. spend longer hours sitting or lying without moving

    2.Which of the following statements is true as to Guthold’s finding?

    A. Most children around the world don’t meet the exercise recommendation.

    B. Girls in every country are no more active than boys.

    C. Children in rich countries relatively get less physical activity.

    D. Only 4% of the girls from Egypt are not active in exercise.

    3.All the following statements are wrong except _______.

    A. Children in poor countries get more physical activities.

    B. Girls in Egypt are more active than those in India.

    C. Couch potatoes are those children addicted to snacks.

    D. Children in Myanmar are less sedentary than those in St .Lucia.

    4.What would the writer be most likely to discuss in detail in the paragraph that follows?

    A. The suitable amount of physical activities for students.

    B. Some of the factors for the popularity of cars and TVs among the kids.

    C. The reasons behind the lack of physical activities.

    D. The ways to make the most of cars and TVs.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Someday a stranger will read your email without your permission or scan the website you have visited. Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.

    In fact, it is likely that some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without permission? It might be a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss or a criminal. Whoever it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen-----the 21st century is the equal of being caught naked.

    Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy and that it is important to reveal yourself to friends, families and lovers at appropriate time and places. But now few boundaries remain. The information you leave everywhere makes it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. Believe it or not, we live in a world where you simply can’t keep a secret. The key question is: does that matter?

    When you ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it.

    But people say one thing and do another. Only a tiny part of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths(收费站) to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements. And few refuse to offer personal information like Social Security numbers to get supermarket loyalty cards.

    But privacy (隐私) does matter—at least sometimes. It is like health: when you have it, you don’t notice it. Only when it is gone do you wish you had done more to protect it.

    1.What does the underlined sentence in Para 2 mean?

    A. People’s personal information is easily accessed without their knowing it.

    B. In the 21st century people try every means to look into others’ secrets.

    C. People tend to be more frank with each other in the information age.

    D. Criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technology.

    2.Which of the statements will the psychologists probably agree with?

    A. Friends should open their hearts to each other.

    B. Friends should always be faithful to each other.

    C. There should be a distance even between friends.  

    D. The closer they are, the deeper their friendship is.

    3.In the last paragraph but one, the EZ-Pass system and Social Security numbers are used as evidence to show_________.

    A. Americans talk a lot but do little about privacy protection

    B. Americans use various loyalty cards for business.

    C. Americans rely more and more on electronic devices.

    D. Americans change behaviors that might disclose their identity.

    4.Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?

    A. Privacy and Health              B. Privacy Is Getting Lost.

    C. Boundary and Friendship           D. Cherish What You Have

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean, an S-shaped body of water covering 33 million square miles. The Atlantic Ocean, in a sense, replaced the Mediterranean as the inland sea of Western civilization. Unlike real inland seas, which seem strangely still, the Atlantic Ocean is rich in oceanic liveliness all the time. It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.

    “Storm at Sea”, a short poem written around 700, is generally regarded as one of mankind’s earliest artistic representations of the Atlantic Ocean.

    When the wind is from the west

    All the waves that cannot rest

    To the east must thunder on

    Where the bright tree of the sun

    Is rooted in the ocean’s breast.

    As the poem suggests, the Atlantic Ocean is never dead and dull. It is an ocean that moves, impressively and endlessly. It makes all kinds of noise---it is forever thundering, boiling, crashing and whistling.

    It is easy to imagine the Atlantic Ocean trying to draw breath----perhaps not so noticeably out in mid-ocean, but where it meets land, its waters bathing up and down a sandy beach. It imitates nearly perfectly the steady breathing of a living creature. It is filled with co-living existences, too: unimaginable quantities of creatures, little and large alike, mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony, giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat, a kind of sub-ocean vitality. And it has a psychology. It has personalities: sometimes peaceful and pleasant, on rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.

    1.Unlike real inland seas, the Atlantic Ocean is __________.

    A. always energetic          B. lacking in liveliness

    C. shaped like a square        D. favored by ancient poets.

    2.The writer uses the poem “Storm at Sea” for the purpose of ___________.

    A. describing the movement of the waves

    B. showing the strength of the storm

    C. presenting the power of the ocean

    D. proving the vastness of the sea

    3.In the last paragraph, the Atlantic Ocean is compared to ___________.

    A. a beautiful and poetic place         B. a person of blood and flesh

    C. a world of interest and wonder       D. a lovely animal

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 1 题
  1. 根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中两项为多余选项。

    Our Fears Can Change the Reality of the Situation

    At times, our worries and anxieties can defeat us. In addition, our worries can change our understanding of what is reality and what is not. Here is a brief list of techniques that you can use to help gain a better viewpoint on things during the anxious moments.

    __1.__ A person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off the problem. A person could get some fresh air, listen to some music, or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things.

    Remember that our fearful thoughts are made to seem worse and can make the problem worse. __2.___When unexpectedly having thoughts that make you fearful or anxious, challenge these thoughts by asking yourself positive questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.

    Be smart in how you deal with fears and anxieties. Do not try to deal with everything all at once. When facing a current or upcoming task that makes you anxious, break the task into small ones. __3.__

    Remember that all the worrying in the world will not change anything. Most of what you worry about never comes true.__ 4.___ Then you should leave everything else in the hands of God.

    It is not easy to deal with all the fears and worries. When your fears and anxieties have the best of you, try to calm down and then get the facts of the situation. The key is to take it slow. All you can do is do your best each day, hope for the best, and when something does happen, take it easy.__ 5.___

    A. Take it one step at a time and things will work out well at last.

    B. When feeling anxious, stop what you are doing and try to do something relaxing.

    C. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety.

    D. Instead of worrying about something that probably won’t happen, concentrate on what you are able to do.

    E. The next time you fell depressed, review your list and think about the good things that you have in your life.

    F. A good way to manage your worry is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking.

    G. Completing these smaller tasks once at a time will make the stress more manageable and increase your chances of success.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出加的词。




    Yesterday a schoolboy is daydreaming in class. With realizing what he was doing, he put a pen cap into his mouth. A few minutes late, he was terrified to find that he had swallowed it! The teacher was shocking when the boy stood up and said, “I have just swallowed a pen cap.” He was quickly sent the nearest hospital. There a doctor examined him and said the best treatment was to take some medicines so that the pen could pass natural. Three hours later, the boy successfully made it. “She is really lucky.” said the doctor. “It’s not rare that small children put things into their mouths for a fun. It is very danger.”[

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 假定你是李华,在报上看到北京华夏大学将于2014年2月16日举办为期一周的“中国语言文化冬令营”活动。你的美国朋友Mike计划来中国旅游并了解中国文化,请写邮件介绍此项活动并建议他参加。



    日常会话   汉字书写 








    参考:  2014中国语言文化冬令营 

    2014 Chinese Language and Culture Winter Camp

    天坛   the Temple of Heaven

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析