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本卷共 9 题,其中:
阅读理解 4 题,其他题 1 题,完形填空 1 题,语法填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题,书面表达 1 题
中等难度 8 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 中等
阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. My Left Foot (1989)

    Imagine being a prisoner of your own body, unable to make any movements except to move your left foot. The main character in My Left Foot,based on the real story of cerebral palsy (大脑性麻痹) sufferer Christy Brown,can barely move his mouth to speak, but by controlling his left foot, he’s able to express himself as an artist and poet. For his moving performance of Brown, Daniel Lewis won his first Academy Award for best actor.

    Shine (1996)

    Do you have a talent you’re afraid to share with the world? David Helfgott seemed meant from childhood to be “one of the truly great pianists,” but the pressures of performing (and pleasing his father) resulted in a complete breakdown. Ten years in a mental hospital didn’t weaken Helfgott’s musical gift: When he was rediscovered, he was playing concertos in a bar. Shine received seven Oscar nominations (提名), and Geoffrey Rush won best actor for his performance of Helfgott.

    Life Is Beautiful (1997)

    Nothing’s more powerful than the love between a parent and a child. In this heartbreaking Italian film, a father (Roberto Benigni) makes an unbelievable sacrifice for his 4-year-old son: trapped in a Nazi concentration camp in 1945, the Jewish man convinces his boy that they are playing a complicated game. He manages to spare him the horror of the terrible war, and even in his final moments of life, keeps his son smiling and hopeful. Benigni won the best actor Oscar.

    Stand and Deliver (1988)

    Few people can inspire us more than a good teacher. Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos got Oscar nomination for best actor) is a great one. Employed at a high school where kids are expected to fail, Escalante challenges his math students to struggle for better things, like getting good grades in the AP exam. Despite the obstacles in their lives, the classmates achieve their goals, thanks to Mr. Escalante’s support. The real Jaime Escalante, the Best Teacher in America, says that Stand and Deliver is “90% truth, 10% drama.”

    1.The underlined part in the passage means _________.

    A. The main character in My Left Foot can’t control his whole body

    B. The main character in My Left Foot is trapped by others

    C. The main character in My Left Foot is a prisoner

    D. The main character in My Left Foot is a disabled person

    2.If you want to watch a movie about wars, which may be one of your choices?

    A. Life Is Beautiful.   B. Stand and Deliver.

    C. Shine.             D. My Left Foot.

    3.Which of the following is true according to the four movies’ information?

    A. My Left Foot was directed by Christy Brown

    B. Geoffrey Rush stayed in a mental institution for ten years

    C. Edward James Olmos received nomination for best actor Oscar

    D. Jaime Escalante has a talent for playing the piano

    4.What do the four movies have in common?

    A. They are all based on real stories.

    B. The main characters are all sick to some degree but succeed.

    C. The main characters all won Academy Award for Best Actor.

    D. They are all inspiring stories that make a difference.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. The trouble with school is that you can’t choose the people you get to see every day. If you’re unlucky enough to be stuck with classmates who don’t really “get” you, you’ve just got to try to make the best of it.

    But that doesn’t mean you need to “fit in”, or at least in the way that people think. If you try to transform yourself into a clone of everyone else, it won’t help you make friends. It’ll just make you feel like a fake.

    You also shouldn’t shut down or refuse to be friends with everyone who doesn’t like you. If you do that, you’ll just make yourself miserable. Instead, you’ve got to work on being comfortable and confident with whom you are while ignoring all the haters. Keep on speaking up, asking questions and getting to know people better. If you send out positive energy, then people will generally send some back to you. A couple of them will stay the same, and you’re allowed to forget about them.

    If you feel like you’re doing all that but still not getting anywhere, then don’t give up. Just expand your circle. Get a part-time job at a cool-looking place, join an after-school art class or youth group—do whatever it takes to find a couple of like-minded people to connect with. Even if you don’t find anyone right away, you’ll still be getting some more social experiences under your belt, and that’s always a good thing.

    A fun book called Uncool, by Erin Elisabeth Conley, has some tips for people like you who want to stay positive at school while being true to your personality:

    ·Throw caution to the wind.

    ·Don’t bear others’ mistakes.

    ·Have patience with people who are different from you.

    ·Don’t change just because someone else thinks you should.

    ·Know that even though you may be a misfit, there’s always some place where you will be welcomed in the world.

    1.According to the author, what should you do if you meet people who don’t appreciate you?

    A. Just give up.

    B. Ask someone else for help.

    C. Show positive attitude toward them.

    D. Try your best to fit in with them.

    2.The author agrees that you should take part in more activities in order to __________.

    A. get more chances of making friends

    B. lay a better foundation for your future jobs

    C. transform yourself into a clone.

    D. make you feel like a fake.

    3.In the book Uncool, Erin Elisabeth Conley thinks you should _________.

    A. always be kind to your friends

    B. keep your own personality

    C. bear others’ mistakes

    D. help improve characters of others

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. Justin Bieber may have millions of fans worldwide, but Russia’s bears don’t appear to admire the pop singer’s music --- which proved fortunate for one lucky fisherman.

    Igor Vorozhbitsyn had his life saved by a Justin Bieber ringtone, when his mobile phone went off during a dangerous attack by a brown bear.

    The 42-year-old was attacked as he was walking to a favourite fishing spot in northern Russia’s Yakutia Republic and firmly believed that he was going to be killed.

    Wildlife experts believe the ringtone must have frightened the bear into stopping its attack.

    ‘Sometimes a sharp shock can stop an angry bear in its attack and that ringtone would be a very unexpected sound for a bear,’ explained one.

    Mr Vorozhbitsyn suffered from cuts and severe wounds and was rescued when he was found by other fishermen after using the phone to call for help.

    Mr Vorozhbitsyn ---now recovering from his wounds---explained: ‘I had parked my car and was walking towards the spot I’d marked out when there was a tremendous impact on my back and the bear was on top of me.’

    ‘I couldn’t believe my luck when the phone went off and it run away.’

    ‘I know that sort of ringtone isn’t to everyone’s taste but my granddaughter loaded it onto my phone for a joke,’ he added.

    Adult brown bears can weigh as much as 600kg and have been known to kill wolves and even Siberian tigers.

    Finally, this is a proof that Justin Bieber is unbearable.

    1.Igor Vorozhbitsyn was attacked when____.

    A. he was fishing at his favourite fishing spot.

    B. he was walking towards his favourite fishing spot.

    C. he was phoning his granddaughter.

    D. he was driving to his favourite fishing spot.

    2.The bear stopped attacking because___.

    A. Justin Bieber came to rescue Igor Vorozhbitsyn.

    B. Justin Bieber sang to it.

    C. Justin Bieber’s ringtone was a sudden fright to it.

    D. Igor Vorozhbitsyn’s mobile phone was a sudden fright to it.

    3. What is the writer’s attitude towards Justin Bieber?

    A. positive        B. negative

    C. neutral (中立的)  D. not mentioned

    4.What do you know from the last paragraph?

    A. Justin Bieber’s music is popular all over the world.

    B. Justin Bieber’s music is life-saving.

    C. Justin Bieber’s music is threatening.

    D. Justin Bieber’s music sometimes isn’t highly thought of.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Not many things in life can be more irritating (令人气愤的): you are having a conversation with friends, but they check their phones and begin replying to texts or checking their emails. The Guardian (卫报) described the scene of a friend’s face buried in a screen as “a distinct 21st-century problem”. A new word has been created to describe this --- phubbing. It is the act of looking at your mobile phone instead of paying attention to others during a social interaction. Like pointing at one’s nose, phubbing is widely considered rude behavior. People everywhere are beginning to lose patience with the phenomenon.

    A “Stop Phubbing” campaign group has been started in Australia and at least five others have appeared as anger about the lack of manners grows. The campaign’s creator, Alex Haigh, 23, from Melbourne, said, “A group of friends and I were chatting when someone said how annoying being ignored by people on mobiles was.” He has created a website where companies can download posters to discourage phubbing.

    Phubbing is just one symptom of our increasing dependence on mobile phones and the Internet, which is replacing normal social interaction. A survey found that one out of three Britons would answer the phone in a restaurant and 19% said they would while being served in a shop. The survey came after a supermarket assistant in south London refused to serve a woman until she stopped using her phone. A survey, for a Sunday paper, also found that 54 per cent of people checked Facebook, Twitter or other social media every day, with 16 per cent checking more than ten times a day. An unsurprising 63 per cent of people carry their phone with them “almost all, or all of the time”, it found.

    Phil Reed, a professor of psychology at Swansea University who has studied the Internet addiction disorder, said many phubbers show symptoms of addiction to their mobile phones.

    Time magazine once pointed out, “Phubbing has a much greater potential harm to real-life connections by making people around us feel like we care more about posts than their presence.”

    In the UK, Glamour magazine even imagined how novelist Jane Austen (1775-1817) would have written about people with bad mobile phone manners: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man or woman in possession of a good mobile phone must be in want of manners.”

    1.Phubbing has occurred because _______.

    A. distrust has already been everywhere among people

    B. the friendship between people is becoming weak

    C. people are getting dependent on attraction online

    D. there has been a lack of means of communication

    2.Which of the statements is TRUE about the “Stop Phubbing” campaign?

    A. It was first started in America and then it spread to Melbourne.

    B. Companies can update posters against phubbing on the website.

    C. Alex Haigh, 23, was the first one to find phubbing annoying.

    D. Up till now, at least six groups have claimed to support it.

    3.The supermarket assistant refused to serve the woman mainly because _______.

    A. the woman buried her face in the mobile phone screen for a very long time

    B. the woman ignored respect and manners by focusing only on her phone

    C. the assistant lost his patience with the woman who was using her phone

    D. it is rare for customers to answer the phone while being served in shops

    4.In the last paragraph, the writer wants to tell readers that ______.

    A. one with a mobile phone should mind his/her manners

    B. Jane Austen must have worked for Glamour magazine

    C. phubbing is going to be forbidden immediately in the UK

    D. people with good manners must have good mobile phones

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 1 题
  1. Facing the Enemies Within

    We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies living inside us.


    The first enemy we face is indecision(优柔寡断). Indecision is the thief of opportunity. _2..Take a sword to this enemy.

    The second enemy inside is doubt. _3._ But you also can’t let doubt take over. Many people doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities. Worst of all, they doubt themselves. I’m telling you, doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both your bank account and your heart. 4._

    Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears. __5._ Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.

    A. Sure, there’s room for healthy doubt. You can’t believe everything

    B. Build your courage to fight what’s holding you back, what’s keeping you from your goals and dreams.

    C. Let me tell you about two of the other enemies we face from within.

    D. Below are the ways which might be useful for us to overcome our fears.

    E. Doubt is an enemy. Go after it. Get rid of it.

    F. It will steal your chances for a better future.

    G. Some people doubt everything.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    My daughter is a single parent. She works hard to ______ for herself and her three young sons. She budgets(谨慎花钱) carefully and ______  to plan for the little luxuries (奢侈品) and treats that others take for granted. When her eldest son, David, wanted a ______  so that he could do an after-school newspaper delivery job, she ______  and soon, he was the proud ______  of a good second-hand bike.

    One afternoon, my daughter asked David to go to a local shop. He rode his bicycle, ______ foolishly left it outside the shop without _____  it up. When David came out of the shop, it was______. He walked home in _____ and then, together with his frustrated mother, went to the local police station to report the ______.

    Imagine their ______  when they arrived at the station: a car parked out front had David’s bike wedged (挤进) in its boot (汽车后部的行李箱). The ______ told them how he’d seen a group of kids ______ the bike once my grandson had gone inside the shop.

    The driver – in his late teens himself – had called out to them to “leave that bike ______!” Despite this, one member of the group ______ on the bicycle and rode it away while the others followed. Not to be ______, the teen got in his car, drove after them and ______ that they give the stolen bike back.

    He was happy to be able to ______ it to my grandson together with a lecture (echoed(附和) by the policeman and his mother) about the silliness of ______ to use the bike lock. ______, in all the excitement, he slipped away, without even giving them his name or telephone number.

    1.A. stand     B. provide   C. change     D. watch

    2.A. permits  B. refuses   C. manages  D. decides

    3.A. bicycle   B. watch     C. phone      D. backpack

    4.A. gave out  B. set aside C. saved up   D. worked up

    5.A. driver     B. worker   C. seller   D. owner

    6.A. and      B. but     C. so       D. when

    7.A. locking   B. picking   C. covering   D. hiding

    8.A. left      B. missed    C. broken   D. gone

    9.A. surprise  B. trouble   C. tears     D. peace

    10.A. danger   B. theft   C. accident   D. fight

    11.A. joy      B. regret   C. anger     D. disappointment

    12.A. policeman B. manager   C. teacher  D. driver

    13.A. ride      B. fix      C. steal     D. knock

    14.A. out     B. off      C. away       D. alone

    15.A. jumped B. touched   C. walked    D. moved

    16.A. annoyed B. angry   C. confused   D. discouraged

    17.A. advised  B. demanded C. forced     D. promised

    18.A. donate   B. explain   C. return     D. pass

    19.A. learning B. teaching C. reminding D. failing

    20.A. Besides  B. Then     C. Finally   D. Therefore

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The "selfie" is used to describe the self-taken photo, often from a smartphone. Someone takes about 10 selfies each time he does, and he only ends up 1.     (post) one or two of those. He picks the one that he feels make him look the 2.    (good). In that picture, he gains confidence. For that moment, everything bad or terrible that has happened to him 3.    (remove) ,because that smile is what gives him the 4.   (determine) to love himself.

    I read    5. poem recently and the young man said,“If I ask you 6. you love, the answers will most likely roll your tongue. You love to read. You love to write. You love your mom, your daughter, or your best friend. How long do you think you can go on and on before you say 'I love   7..

    That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. I've struggled with confidence all my life .I still do. And in 8.  way am I saying that taking a selfie is a gateway9.  confidence. 10.  ,the selfie does deserve some credit for allowing individuals to express themselves.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Nearly 90 percent of the young people in our country use the Internet, but about half of them use them every day. They visit chat rooms and sending e-mails. More and more scientists had begun to wonder: Is the Internet good or bad for kid? Some of them think what it is impossible to answer that question because the Internet has so much things. What’s more, recently studies show the online world can be helpful at some ways and dangerous as well. It can be both an educational resource and hiding place for bad people.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 假设你叫李华,是一名高三学生。自从进入高三以后,你发现部分同学晚上学习到很晚。他们边学习边吃零食或喝可乐,早上则由于起床太晚而不吃早餐,你感觉这样会对身体有害。请你根据这种现象给《英语周报》写一封信反映上述情况,并谈谈自己的想法。

    注意:(1) 可根据内容需要适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    (2) 词数:100左右。

    Dear Editor,






    难度: 中等查看答案及解析