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本卷共 5 题,其中:
完型填空 5 题
中等难度 5 题。总体难度: 中等
完型填空 共 5 题
  1. Now, we know that if we do not get enough vitamins, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases. As a______, vitamin supplements(补品), though expensive, are popular with people who worry that they are not getting enough vitamins. But medical experts have_______little proof(证据) that most supplements do anything to improve health or protect against disease.

    In_______, medical experts warn that taking too many of some vitamins can be harmful. For example, too much vitamin E can ___  bleeding. People should discuss what vitamins they take with their doctors, as some vitamins can produce ______effects when mixed with medicine.

    Experts, however, say that sometimes vitamins _____help prevent diseases. People who know ______lack a particular vitamin should take vitamin supplements. Some older adults, for example, may not_______enough vitamin Btwelve. This is_______, as people get older, the body loses its ability to take it from food. Also, people who spend much time inside may need some extra vitamin D as the skin makes this vitamin________sunlight.

    Different vitamins are found in different ______. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil. It is also in the yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly coloured fruit and vegetables contain substances(物质) that the body can_______into vitamin A. Vitamin B-twelve is found in green leaf________and other food, like fruit. Vitamin K can be________found in pork products.

    For most people, a balanced diet can make sure enough of the vitamins our bodies________. So, it is important for us to eat a mixture of food every day to make sure that we get enough vitamins our bodies need.

    1.A.result B.exam C.tradition D.service

    2.A.found B.made C.caught D.served

    3.A.cash B.fact C.danger D.colour

    4.A.choose B.check C.cause D.carry

    5.A.harmful B.helpful C.hopeful D.careful

    6.A.should B.will C.can D.must

    7.A.they B.she C.he D.it

    8.A.start B.change C.have D.think

    9.A.if B.because C.since D.when

    10.A.in B.on C.at D.from

    11.A.place B.food C.style D.form

    12.A.change B.break C.throw D.look

    13.A.noodles B.milk C.vegetables D.meat

    14.A.secretly B.proudly C.naturally D.easily

    15.A.need B.spread C.start D.leave

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Every year on April 7,  we’re told to remember something. If you have health, you have____. Without hope, you have nothing.

    This day is World Health Day. It was______ by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1848. The day calls on people to_______about their health.

    But first of all, what is health? If I have no_______, am I healthy?

    Health is about _______ our bodies and our emotions(情感).

    We all know how to get ______. We can exercise every day. We can______different kinds of food. We can go to bed_______10 p.m.. We can_______ourselves when the weather changes.

    But that’s not enough. There is a famous_______,“Laughter is the best medicine.” The mental (心理)side of things is very important._______try not to keep yourself studying and working all the time. Try different sports and find your own _____. For example, learning to play the guitar after homework is a good _____ to relax.

    Most of the hobbies can _______your body and put your mind at ease. More______, they make you a healthy person.

    Please try your best to be healthy both physically(身体上地)and mentally.

    1.A.position B.hope C.money D.wealth

    2.A.called B.played C.showed D.started

    3.A.care B.talk C.worry D.write

    4.A.thoughts B.illnesses C.pains D.problems

    5.A.all B.both C.neither D.either

    6.A.thin B.happy C.fit D.excited

    7.A.eat B.bring C.buy D.guess

    8.A.in B.under C.at D.before

    9.A.get along with B.look up to C.take care of D.argue about

    10.A.lesson B.passage C.saying D.letter

    11.A.Or B.But C.And D.So

    12.A.places B.positions C.interests D.games

    13.A.way B.question C.step D.experience

    14.A.relax B.offer C.provide D.respect

    15.A.easily B.happily C.importantly D.quickly

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. We can stay healthy by counting calories. Do you know _____ calories (卡路里) are there in every meal you eat? That seems _____ a difficult question to answer. But students at Aitkin High School in the United States can _____ answer it. They put what they eat into an online calorie counter. It quickly measures the _____ of calories in their meals.

    _____, this is part of the school's health class. It _____ heart health, nutrition (营养), and fitness. Students learn how to balance calories in and out. They will know what _____ when the balance isn't there. “The online calorie counter has _____ to be a cool tool to help you make healthy choices. Making one healthy eating decision can really make a(an) _____.” Adam Carlson, the teacher in charge, told local newspaper.

    They also discuss good ways to burn calories in the gym. According to Carlson, the gym is a great place to burn calories and get ______. But it doesn't work for everyone. So they ______ to  find different workout tips. “I'm trying hard to teach the students that working out ______ be fun, challenging, and doesn't need to take hours out of the day,” she said.

    The class has indeed changed students. “I am now ______ what I am eating and pay attention to the food labels (标签),” said seventh­grader Karena Burgstaler. ______ student James Erickson began to control his sugar intake (摄入量) ______ it almost goes over his daily calorie intake goal.

    1.A.how much B.how many C.how often D.how soon

    2.A.as B.to C.like D.with

    3.A.probably B.easily C.generally D.carefully

    4.A.number B.quality C.weight D.height

    5.A.In fact B.After all C.By hand D.At last

    6.A.includes B.helps C.keeps D.belongs

    7.A.happens B.fails C.lives D.comes

    8.A.turned out B.turned up C.turned off D.turned on

    9.A.difference B.decision C.effort D.point

    10.A.fatter B.stronger C.heavier D.smarter

    11.A.set B.mix C.try D.use

    12.A.will B.need C.can D.must

    13.A.seeing B.noticing C.looking D.watching

    14.A.Another B.Other C.The other D.Others

    15.A.though B.when C.since D.because

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Many people catch a cold in the spring or fall. It makes us _____: since scientists can send a man to the moon, why _____ they find a cure(治疗) for the common cold? The _____ is easy. There are many kinds of cold viruses. You _____ know which one you will get, so there isn't a cure for each one.

    When a cold virus attacks your body, it works hard to _____ it. Blood rushes to your nose and causes a block in it. You feel terrible because you can't _____ well, but your body is actually “eating” the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a _____, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a runny nose to stop the virus _____ getting into your cells. You may feel great pain, but _____ your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold.

    Different people have different ______ to deal with colds, like eating chicken soup, taking hot baths or taking medicine. However, some scientists say that taking medicines ______ you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in your body ______ because your body can't do its best to fight it and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job on ______ own. There is a ______ about taking medicine when you have a cold. It goes like this:

    It ______ about one week to get over a cold if you don't take medicine, but only seven days to get over a cold if you take medicine.

    1.A.suppose B.doubt C.wonder D.suggest

    2.A.needn't B.can't C.shouldn't D.mustn't

    3.A.process B.answer C.decision D.task

    4.A.always B.even C.never D.just

    5.A.repair B.feel C.protect D.fight

    6.A.eat B.see C.hear D.breathe

    7.A.fever B.gift C.surprise D.message

    8.A.off B.from C.to D.beyond

    9.A.recently B.actually C.suddenly D.especially

    10.A.ways B.hobbies C.dreams D.discoveries

    11.A.until B.unless C.though D.when

    12.A.wider B.higher C.longer D.deeper

    13.A.our B.your C.its D.their

    14.A.speech B.tradition C.joke D.story

    15.A.takes B.means C.tests D.records

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Many of us have developed the bad habit of staying up late. It is_______for our health.

    The Sleep Research Center at the University of Surrey found a direct link_______the time of sleeping and genes (基因). Each cell (细胞) in our bodies _____some information in our DNA that acts as a kind of operating instruction. ______, each cell only reads a part of the instruction it needs.   Professor DerkJan Dijk asked,“Can ______affect how a gene reads instructions?” He carried out an experiment and asked his ______to spend a week sleeping around seven hours to eight hours a night. And then the next week he______them to sleep six to seven hours a night.

    Blood samples were taken each week to compare______genes were in blood cells. They were being used during the long and ______nights.

    It is clear that changing the time of sleeping can______our genes, which influence our health. And we may fall______more easily when we sleep less. The important message is that getting sleep about eight hours a night can make an exciting _____to our health in just a few days. It is in this way that it_______our genes. So stop staying up late to listen to______broadcast, read one more chapter, have one more drink or do a little bit more work.______you don’t think it will make some differences, you will regret. Anyway, going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.

    1.A.real B.easy C.kind D.bad

    2.A.between B.around C.in D.under

    3.A.hurts B.makes C.carries D.goes

    4.A.However B.Especially C.Luckily D.Quietly

    5.A.study B.play C.sleep D.sing

    6.A.workers B.volunteers C.doctors D.students

    7.A.asked B.stopped C.prepared D.enjoyed

    8.A.what B.which C.how D.why

    9.A.small B.dark C.short D.brave

    10.A.eat B.change C.bring D.sell

    11.A.ill B.smart C.sad D.shy

    12.A.difficulty B.difference C.importance D.invitation

    13.A.looks after B.looks around C.looks for D.looks like

    14.A.other B.another C.others D.the other

    15.A.Until B.Unless C.If D.When

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析