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本卷共 25 题,其中:
单项填空 16 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读理解 3 题,其他题 2 题,单词拼写 1 题,选词填空 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 4 题,中等难度 21 题。总体难度: 简单
单项填空 共 16 题
  1. 单词辨音

    1.A. state             B. translate            C. hat

    2.A. ability            B. copy               C. dry

    3.A. retell             B. reply               C. men

    4.A. method            B. toothbrush            C. although

    5.A. whenever           B. whose             C. whom

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. If necessary, you can ask ________ interpreter for help.

    A. a                              B. an                             C. the

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Don’t be afraid of making any _________ when you speak English.

    A. troubles                           B. mistakes                                   C. progress

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Peking Opera is enjoyed by __________ people from all over the world.

    A. million of                  B. several millions              C. millions of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. From the smile of the teacher’s face, we know she _________ the results in the exam.

    A. is pleased with                        B. is angry with                         C. is worried about

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  6. These books mustn’t ________ out of the reading room. You have to read them here.

    A. take                              B. be taken                  C. be taking

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  7. —Your English is really good. How do you learn English?

    —_________ watching English movies.

    A. With                            B. By                     C. At

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. The light in Mr. Zhang’s office is still on. I am afraid he ________ his work yet.

    A. doesn’t finish               B. didn’t finish                C. hasn’t finished

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. Yesterday evening, I went to the airport to see my best friend _____.

    A. off                                        B. up                            C. out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. I think English is too difficult. At times I feel like ______.

    A. staying up                         B. giving up                           C. giving out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. On the morning of December 25th, children can’t wait ______ their gift boxes.

    A. opening                   B. open                           C. to open

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. You can borrow my dictionary __________ you keep it clean.

    A. as much as                   B. as soon as                           C. as long as

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. —How do you_______ that in English?   — It’s a trunk.

    A. speak       B. say       C. tell

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  14. ____________ beautiful house! It must be nice to live in.

    A. What       B. What a     C. How

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. — I don’t think aliens can be found in space. —_____________.

    A. You are right    B. That’s all right    C. All right.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  16. Can you hear _______ just now? It’s too noisy outside. 

    A. what did he say               B. what he says                 C. what he said

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. We students enjoy our school life, but sometimes we feel unhappy. It’s every student’s      dream. At the     of every term, we have six exams.

    Last week, I finished my final exams. The math exam was the easiest one of all. Most of the problems were from early exams,so I     it soon. The biology exam was hard. The questions were so difficult     I had to guess the answers to them. And there wasn’t enough     to check every answer. But after the exam, my teacher said I did well in it.

    In the computer exam, we had a lot to do. I thought I needed more time, but some of my classmates didn’t think     . They just wrote down the answers quickly and then     games. I didn’t think I could get a good mark in the English exam because it was a little difficult     me and I didn’t work hard enough at English.

    In our school, we can     some elective courses (选修课). That means students can learn these courses by     and then take the exam. If they pass, they don’t have to have these courses any more.

    Now, I am very glad that all the exams are over. The summer holiday is coming and I will enjoy it.

    1.A. bad                               B. good                           C. interesting

    2.A. middle                            B. beginning                           C. end

    3.A. gave                                B. finished                           C. passed

    4.A. if                                 B. that                              C. until

    5.A. time                                B. idea                              C. people

    6.A. also                               B. so                               C. too

    7.A. made                             B. played                            C. got

    8.A. for                                  B. at                               C. of

    9.A. go                                       B. teach                             C. take

    10.A. themselves                   B. them                             C. they

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 3 题
  1. Liu Qiang’s Time Table


    Morning: school

    Afternoon: basketball training

    Evening: do homework


    Morning: school

    Afternoon: visit Uncle Chen

    Evening: study for the English test tomorrow


    Morning: school

    Afternoon: guitar lesson

    Evening: help parents do housework


    Morning: school

    Afternoon: baby-sit (照看) my brother

    Evening: free


    Morning: school

    Afternoon: free

    Evening: Lu Gang’s birthday party

    SaturdayMorning: do the homework

    Afternoon: go to the bicycle club  


    Morning: make up the missed lessons

    Afternoon: rent videos

    1.From the time table, we know Liu Qiang likes ___________.

    A. playing basketball                 B. swimming                 C. playing soccer

    2.What will Liu Qiang do on Tuesday afternoon?

    A. Take the guitar lesson.  B. Visit Uncle Chen.  C. Go to Lu Gang’s birthday party.

    3.Liu Qiang will be free___________.

    A. on Monday afternoon and Thursday evening

    B. on Friday afternoon and Thursday evening

    C. on Saturday and Sunday

    4.What will be Liu Qiang not do on weekends?

    A. Make up the missed lessons   B. Rent videos   C. Baby-sit his brother

    5.. Which of the following is TRUE?

    A. Liu Qiang goes to school every day.

    B. Liu Qiang has an English test on Wednesday.

    C. Liu Qiang likes playing the piano.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Iphones may be the most popular mobiles in the world now. Not only do adults use them, but little children also like them.

    Natasha Shykes is a mother of two kids in America. When her daughter, Kelsey, was only two years old, she became interested in her father’s iphone. “She pressed the button (按钮) and the phone lit up. It seemed to be amazing for her,” said Natasha. “Then she got serious about the phone. She always cried for it. It seemed that she also wanted an iphone.”

    Iphones are easy to use. So it is not difficult for little children to use them. Many applications (应用软件) on iphones are designed for children who are too young to go to school. For example, children can learn more about the animals in the world by watching the videos on the phones.

    However, parents are very worried about this. They don’t know whether they should buy their children iphones or not. There are two main reasons. One is that they are afraid that children may destroy the iphones. Another reason is that they are not sure whether iphones can really be used as educational tools.

    1.Natasha’s daughter felt very ___________ the iphone.

    A. afraid of                           B. surprised at                         C. interested in  

    2.The underlined words “lit up” mean “___________” in Chinese.

    A. 点燃                    B. 发出响声                           C. 点亮

    3.The third paragraph mainly tells us__________.

    A. iphones are difficult for adults to use.

    B. Many children can’t use iphones because they are too young.

    C. Parents can do many things on the iphones.

    4.Parents are worried about the iphones because________.

    A. their children may destroy the iphones.

    B. Iphones are useless to their children’s study.

    C. Iphones are bad for their children’s health.

    5.What’s the best title for the passage?

    A. An Interesting Tool                    B. A Popular Mobile                    C. A Colorful World

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Sam lived in a small village. His mother was often ill and he had to spend much money on medicine. And when he was twenty-eight, he borrowed some money from his friends and married. His wife was beautiful but came from a poor family. So she could not help him. She had to tell her husband to find work in the town. She hoped he would get much money to pay for his debt(债). They young man thought she was right and had to say goodbye to her and left.

    The young man could neither read nor write. Of course nobody would employ (雇用) such a man like him in the town. He had to go to an island and planted trees for a farmer there. The island was small and there were only three men on it. They lived a hard life and Sam missed his mother and wife very much. He wanted to write to them, but he couldn’t. Luckily, Charlie, who was in school for five years, helped him. Sam asked the farmer to post the letter for him. From then on he waited for the answer every day. About two months later the farmer brought his wife’s letter to the island. He was very happy but he didn’t read it. He had to ask Charlie to help him again.

    The farmer came out of the house and found Sam was stopping Charlie’s ears while he was listening to the young man reading it. It surprised the farmer and he asked, “What are you doing it for, Sam?”

    “I can’t let him hear my wife’s letter!”

    1.Sam’s wife was a _____________ woman.

    A. nice and rich                         B. beautiful but poor             C. kind and strong

    2.Sam had to go to the town to find work because _________.

    A. the town was a good place          B. he could read and write   C. he had to pay for his debt

    3.The life on the island was ______________.

    A. difficult                   B. easy                     C. relaxing

    4.Who posted the letter for Sam?

    A. Charlie.                   B. The farmer.                          C. Sam himself.

    5.From the story we know Sam was a ___________.

    A. rude man                           B. kind and hard-working man     C. cruel husband

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 2 题
  1. 根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项。

    A: Look at that strange thing, Wei Hua! What’s that?

    B: It’s a key. 1.        

    A: Our autobike (电动自行车)? 2. 

    B: It was invented by my father. It’s a battery-operated(电池驱动的)machine.

    A:   3. 

    B: It’s used for riding or flying.

    A: Flying? __4.____

    B: You can just ride it like a autobike and it will fly as it goes faster enough.

    A: ___5.___ I think your father is so great!

    B: I think so. He has invented many things.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 根据短文内容按要求完成下列各题。

    The fox installs(安装) a telephone, but no one telephones him. He feels very unhappy.

    In his dream he dreams that someone calls him. He decides to call back.

    First he calls the crow (乌鸦), but the crow says she didn’t telephone him because he is still angry with him. As you know, the fox cheated the crow of her meat by asking her to sing a song.

    Then the fox rings Aunt Bear. When she learns it is the fox’s voice, the bear loses her temper (脾气) because the fox cheated her of her honey several days ago. She tells him that she would never telephone him.

    At last he calls the wolf. The wolf is sleeping at the moment. When he knows it is the fox who telephones him, he becomes so angry that he says he will never forgive (原谅) the fox. You know, once the fox led him into the hunter’s trap (圈) .

    From then on, the fox never telephones others and his telephone becomes useless.

    1.Who telephones the fox after he installs a telephone?(根据短文内容回答问题)


    2.Why does Aunt Bear lose her temper when she learns it is the fox’s voice?(根据短文内容回答问题)

    3.How many animals does the fox telephone?(根据短文内容回答问题)

    4.He becomes so angry that he says he will never forgive the fox. (改为同义句)

    He becomes ________ angry__________ forgive the fox.

    5.In the passage, the underlined word “He” refers (指) to ________.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词拼写 共 1 题
  1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。

    1.He has been ill in hospital and he is still very w________.

    2.Liu Yang and Yang Liwei are both Chinese space h_________.

    3.Reading English a_________ is helpful to your speaking.

    4.At school, we also learn English _________(除了) Chinese.

    5.He worked so hard that he could __________ (实现) his dream.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

选词填空 共 1 题
  1. 选用方框内所给的词的适当形式填空。

    discuss   listen   different   force   translate

    1.Long long ago, Many British people __________ to leave their country.

    2.After the ___________, they agreed with each other.

    3.As you know, English is spoken _________ in many counties.

    4.Mr. Wang doesn’t know any French. He needs a __________ to help him in France.

    5.If you want to succeed in learning English, you need to do more __________.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 科技的发展改变了世界,请根据下列表格中的内容,以“Computers make our lives colorful.” 为题写一篇英语短文。









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    要求:1.语言流畅,书写规范,正确使用标点符号,卷面整洁;2. 需用上所给提示内容;3.可适当拓展,词数70左右。短文开头已给出,不计入词的总数。

    Computers make our lives colorful.

    In our world, there have been a lot of inventions, such as computers.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析