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本卷共 23 题,其中:
听句子或对话选择图片 5 题,听短对话回答问题 4 题,单选题 1 题,听长对话回答问题 2 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读单选 5 题,听录音写单词或短语 1 题,语法填空 1 题,单词填空 1 题,填空 1 题,材料作文 1 题
中等难度 14 题,困难题 9 题。总体难度: 中等
听句子或对话选择图片 共 5 题
  1. A.A B.B C.C

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. A.A B.B C.C

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. A.A B.B C.C

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. A.A B.B C.C

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. A.A B.B C.C

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

听短对话回答问题 共 4 题
  1. A.At 9:20. B.At 9:10. C.At 9:30.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. A.Go shopping. B.Stay at home. C.Go to school.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. A.A student. B.A teacher. C.A driver.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. A.A song. B.A conversation. C.A report.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单选题 共 1 题
  1. A.The man’s. B.The woman's. C.Jim's.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

听长对话回答问题 共 2 题
  1. 听对话,回答下列各个小题。

    1.Who’s on the left?

    A.The boy’s father. B.The boy's cousins. C.The boy's sister.

    2.Where is the boy's mother?

    A.On the left of his sister. B.Between his brothers. C.Behind his brothers.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 听对话,回答下列各个小题。

    1.How many stops does the woman walk to catch the bus?

    A.One. B.Two. C.Three.

    2.How does the man go to school on Saturdays?

    A.By bus. B.By bike. C.On foot.

    3.What sport does the woman do?

    A.She plays tennis. B.She walks to school. C.She swims.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Water is the most important of all the things we eat and  ______.Not many people understand this, but it's quite ______.The human body can go without ______ for a long time, but two or three days______ water can usually make people die.

    Many people don't understand how ______ water the human body needs ______ well, and many people do not drink enough______ in hot weather. Our body is mostly(大部分)water about 67-75 percent(百分之).______ we don't have enough, we'll feel ______ and many will get ill. So, you ______,how important water is to us all.

    1.A.have B.drink C.take D.cook

    2.A.true B.difficult C.easy D.wrong

    3.A.food B.water C.drink D.air

    4.A.in B.through C.without D.with

    5.A.many B.much C.widely D.a bit

    6.A.to work B.work C.works D.worked

    7.A.even B.ever C.almost D.still

    8.A.though B.For C.Since D.If

    9.A.worried B.angry C.tired D.afraid

    10.A.hear B.know C.taste D.look

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

阅读单选 共 5 题
  1. Tea Cottage Wants You!

    Join us in Tea Cottage-the best Chinese restaurant in town .We are now looking for someone interested in working with us.

    *2. Cooks

    *At least two years’ work experience in a restaurant kitchen.

    *Good at making Chinese dishes.

    *Able to work on weekends.

    *Work 16.00-21:00 every day (USD$600/week)


    *At least one year's work experience in cafes or restaurants

    *Part-time welcome

    *Work 11:00-15:00 or 16:00-21:00(USD$16/hour)

    *2. Cleaners

    *No experience needed

    1.What you have read is a(n)—·

    A.report B.advertisement C.letter D.email

    2.What restaurant is Tea Cottage?

    A.Chinese. B.British. C.American. D.French.

    3.Who has to work every day?

    A.Singers. B.Waiters. C.Cleaners. D.Cooks.

    4.If you want to work as a waiter in Tea Cottage, you can make—·

    A.USD$16/hour B.USD$16/week C.$600/week D.$600/month

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  2. Dear Mom,

    I’m sorry that I can’t go back home for Mother’s Day next week. On that day, I’ll have to go to an important meeting for my boss, who helps me a lot with my work and life here. But I’ll find time to see you at home soon.

    Mom, thank you for everything you’ve done for Tim and me. After Dad died ten years ago, you had to work in a supermarket in the daytime and in a restaurant at night. But you always gave us two your love and care. Though you don’t have to work now, I still remember your coming home and feeling tired many evenings.

    Tim is going to finish his studies next month. He said he would move back from school and look for a job near home. I’m glad you won’t live by yourself anymore. Let’s plan to take a trip in the near future. It’s been years since the three of us took a trip together.

    Happy Mother’s Day! I love you, Mom.

    Best wishes,


    1.John can’t go home on Mother’s Day because he has to _________.

    A.meet his boss B.take a trip

    C.attend a meeting D.go to a party

    2.What can we learn about John’s mother?

    A.She lives by herself now.

    B.She still works day and night.

    C.She will make a plan to save money.

    D.She used to be too busy to care for her children.

    3.What do we know from the letter?

    A.John has two brothers.

    B.John is unhappy with his boss.

    C.Tim will finish his studies soon.

    D.Tim will leave home for his job soon.

    4.Which is true according to the letter?

    A.John’s father died at work.

    B.Tim will look for a teaching job.

    C.John bought a gift for his mother.

    D.John hopes to take a trip with his family.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. My friend Lisa is two years older than me. She is 16 now and she lives in Bristol. She’s very friendly and she has long curly brown hair. She’s of medium height, slim and very fit because she's a dancer.

    She began dancing when she was six years old and she practices it every day at her dance school. She wants to be a professional(专业的)dancer. She often dances in shows and I often watch her performances when she's on the stage(舞台).Her favorite kind of dance is modern(现代舞).Though it is sometimes difficult to understand, I love watching her dance.

    Lisa is very busy because she’s also trying to learn German because she wants to go to Germany next year to take dancing lessons.

    I think Lisa is very hard-working and her dream to become a professional dancer will come true one day.

    1.How old is the writer now?

    A.14 B.16 C.21 D.18

    2.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

    A.Lisa is a friendly girl. B.Lisa began dancing at six.

    C.Lisa can speak German well. D.Lisa likes modern dance best.

    3.What does "it" refer to in the second paragraph?

    A.German B.modern dance C.singing D.dancer

    4.Lisa is of medium height, slim and very fit because____.

    A.she loves watching her dance B.she practices dancing every day

    C.she practices singing every day D.she lives in Bristol

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  4. Amy had three sons, Dave, Bill and Bob. Every year her sons sent her expensive gifts on her birthday.

    The eldest son Dave, had a lot of money and he wanted his mother to have the most expensive gifts, but he didn't know what to buy. So he put an advertisement in the newspaper."Wanted-the greatest gift for my mother."

    About a week before his mother's birthday, a man came to his office. He brought a big bird.

    "This bird can speak six languages and sing eight songs." the man said.

    "Really I’d like to listen to it," Dave said.

    The man made the bird talk in French and tell a joke in Japanese. Then the bird sang a beautiful song. Dave was very happy and paid eight thousand dollars for the bird. The next day Dave sent the bird to his mother with a birthday card.

    The day after his mother's birthday he called his mother.  "Well, mother" he asked, "What do you think of the bird?"

    "Oh, it's very delicious, dear." said his mother.

    1.___________ is the eldest brother?

    A.Bob B.Bill C.Dave D.Amy

    2.How many songs could the bird sing?

    A.Five B.Six C.Seven D.Eight

    3.How much did the bird cost Dave?

    A.$8 B.$80 C.$800 D.$8000

    4.How did the mother deal with the bird?

    A.She sold it. B.She played with it. C.She ate it. D.She gave it to others.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  5. Carrots are grown all over the world. They are easy to plant and easy to harvest. They have a good taste.

    When people think about carrots, they usually think they are a kind of long, thin, orange colored vegetable. In fact, carrots are in many different sizes and shapes. And not all carrots are orange.

    Carrots should be grown in a field that does not have water for a long time. The earth also should not be too hard. To prepare your carrot garden, dig up the earth and turn it over(翻土).?

    Weather, soil condition(土壤状况),and time affect(影响)the taste of carrots. Warm days and cool nights are the best time to grow great delicious carrots.

    The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color. Usually, the brighter the color is, the better the taste is.

    Most people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow carrots the same way as you do during the summer months.

    Carrots are prepared and eaten in many different ways. They are cut into thin pieces and cooked with other vegetables or meat. Or, they are washed, and eaten just as they come out of the ground.

    1.What does the underlined word "harvest" mean?

    A.品尝 B.收获 C.种植 D.销售

    2.What can affect the taste of carrots?

    A.Weather and time B.Weather and soil condition

    C.Soil condition and time D.Weather, time and soil condition

    3.___________ carrots have a better taste.

    A.The long B.The orange C.The thin D.The bright

    4.Which is the right order according to the article?

    a. Carrots are eaten in different ways.

    b. Carrots are in many sizes and shapes.

    c. Dig up the earth and turn it over before planting carrots.

    d. The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color.

    A.c->a->b->d B.b->c->d->a C.c->b->d->a D.d-c->b->a

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

听录音写单词或短语 共 1 题
  1. 听短文,然后根据表格提示和所听内容完成下列各小题(每空一词)。

    1.Mike is talking about his daily______________.

    2.Mike often spends two hours in the evening, emailing his _____________.

    3.Mike has Chinese lessons ___________ times a week at school.

    4.Mike wants to study the_______________ of Ningxia.

    5.Mike thinks his life is _________________.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. We usually had some strange and funny ideas when we were1.(child).

    When I was a little girl, 2.(live) in a very big neighborhood and we shared a garden   3. a pool between forty-eight houses. There were a lot of kids around 4.(I )age and we all used5.(play) together, and we'd often swim 6.the pool. But there was one boy who was about five years 7.(old) than us. One day, when I 8.(swim), he told me, "I hope you know there is a shark in the light. And it will come out to get you9.you swim alone." I was very afraid, and up until today-I am twenty-five years old now-I still get nervous when I swim alone so I always check the light to make sure there’s no shark.

    What 10. you think of this kind of ideas? Write your stories and share with us.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

单词填空 共 1 题
  1. Mrs. Wang loved flowers and had a small but beautiful garden. In 1.(夏天),her roses were always the best in her street. One afternoon her bell rang, and when she went to the front door, she saw a small boy2.(外面).He was about seven years old, and was holding a big bunch(束)of beautiful roses in his hand.

    "I am 3.(卖)roses," he said. "Do you want any? They are quite4.(便宜).Only one yuan for a big bunch. They are fresh. I picked them this afternoon."

    "My boy," Mrs. Wang answered,“pick roses 5.(无论何时)I want, and don't pay anything for them, because I have lots in my garden."

    "Oh, no, you haven't," said the small boy. "There aren't any roses in your garden-because they are here in my hand!”

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

填空 共 1 题
  1. The smallest body of water is the stream(溪流),a natural body of water that is found above ground and is often called a creek(河湾)as well. A river is a larger body of water that moves above ground, in a particular direction, and usually has a large amount of water in it.  Rivers often go into other bodies of water. For example, The Chanjiang River goes into the sea. A lake is a large body of water that is completely surrounded(环绕)by land. A pond(池塘)is the same thing, only with less water and a smaller size. No one can tell you how big a pond can become before it is called a lake. A sea is a large body of water that is surrounded by land and connected to another body of water. The Caspian Sea(里海)is one that is surrounded by land. The Mediterranean Sea(地中海)is one that connected to another body of water, the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋)Why are these bodies of water called seas but not oceans? Geographers(地理学家)don't have a really good reason. An ocean, which is the largest body of water on the Earth, is generally thought to have no borders(边界)

    1.The stream is____________ body of water above ground.

    2.A river is ____________ than a stream that moves above ground.

    3.___________ is a large body of water that is completely surrounded by land.

    4.The Atlantic Ocean is generally thought to have no_____________.

    5.A pond is the same as a lake only with ____________ and a smaller size.

    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

材料作文 共 1 题
  1. 假如你叫李华,你是你们班的班长,澳大利亚朋友Tommy要来你们班学习,但他对你们班情况不了解,他给你写信要求你简要介绍一下,请你根据以下提示写一封回信。



    难度: 困难查看答案及解析