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本卷共 18 题,其中:
单项填空 10 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读理解 5 题,其他题 1 题,书面表达 1 题
中等难度 18 题。总体难度: 中等
单项填空 共 10 题
  1. Everyone was silent as the judge__________the winner of the artistic gymnastics competition.

    A. attracted                       B. arranged              C. announced                   D. advertised

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Don’t take examinations too seriously; they are not the only means of __________someone’s ability.

    A. predicting                     B. assessing              C. admiring                       D. praising

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. I am not sure exactly how much money you will receive, but it will______cover your major expense.

    A. firmly                B. roughly               C. constantly                    D. frequently

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. The teacher stressed again that the students should not _________any important details while retelling the story.

    A. pick out              B. sort out           C. leave out                     D. make out

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. The consulting room is in a mess; I wonder why the doctor didn’t get everything _______before starting to see his patients.

    A. in place               B. in relief                     C. in surprise                    D. in detail

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. The opportunities available will depend on your__________work experience and qualifications.

    A. previous                     B. instant            C. nationwide                  D. temporary

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. His friends were ___________and encouraged him to publish his ideas, but Copernicus was cautious.

    A. technical                      B. official            C. educated         D. enthusiastic

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. Your task will be to examine the___________ of constructing a new factory in the United Kingdom.

    A. motivation                    B. appointment              C. adjustment        D. possibility

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. We have to admit that the biggest___________ facing the ecosystem is limited resources and the worsening environment.

    A. mission                       B. challenge                 C. scale                        D. contribution

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. Mrs. Green always helps her mother even though going to work _________most of her day.

    A. takes out                      B. takes down               C. takes up                     D. takes off

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. Carly Zalenski’s eyes were filled with tears as the dusty bus ran down a dirt road in southern Vietnam. She and her parents had travelled to Ho Chi Minh City by plane from Canton, Ohio of the USA. As they became ________to the village, hundreds of cheering ________stood in lines at the to the Hoa Lac School, a two-story building that Carly hadmoney for.

    Carly started helping ________when she was eight. She often walked about to send Thanksgiving baskets at church to families in need. When she saw one girl ________very little in a snowy day and others didn’t have warm , she went door-to-door asking for ________coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, then handed them to the poor families with the baskets.

    However, Carly wanted to do more—she wanted to “change these children’s ________with her efforts”. She remembered that her grandmother’s Rotary club had collected money to build a ________ in Vietnam a few years ago. She wanted to build a school,.

    She put together a short show on the people and culture of Vietnam to his audience. ________her new braces(脚支架) made it ________to make the speech, she was full of enthusiasm, “I want to give them a place to their lives better.”

    That summer, Carly with her family across Ohio, visiting three or four Rotary clubs a week. “We travelled like people to all these meetings,” said her mother. In two years, Carly had raised $50,000. At the donation in Hoa Lac, the school principal was deeplyby the little girl. “How wonderful it is,” he said, “that a girl at her age wants to do something for kids so far away.”

    1.A. farther                     B. closer                C. higher                        D. faster

    2.A. adults                       B. farmers                       C. workers                  D. children

    3.A. entrance        B. centre                    C. top               D. exit

    4.A. collected                   B. borrow                      C. saved             D. earned

    5.A. another          B. the others                     C. others            D. the other

    6.A. wearing                    B. putting on                     C. dressing           D. taking off

    7.A. houses           B. beds                          C. clothes                     D. food

    8.A. new                        B. beautiful                      C. used              D. broken

    9.A. out              B. up                            C. back               D. over

    10.A. anything        B. something                    C. everything                  D. nothing

    11.A. moods         B. works                        C. studies                      D. lives

    12.A. church        B. village                 C. library                        D. school

    13.A. either                   B. also                   C. too                         D. neither

    14.A. Because                 B. Unless                C. Although                    D. When

    15.A. hard           B. funny                 C. easy                        D. happy

    16.A. remain        B. make                         C. turn                         D. allow

    17.A. set off                    B. take off                        C. turn off                      D. pay off

    18.A. sick                       B. disabled              C. crazy              D. friendly

    19.A. ceremony    B. tradition                       C. currency          D. condition

    20.A. surprised                B. pleased                       C. excited            D. touched

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 5 题
  1. Nearly a quarter-century after a German boy threw a message in a bottle off a ship in the Baltic Sea, he’s received an answer.

    A 13-year-old Russian, Daniil Korotkikh, was walking with his parents on a beach when he saw something lying in the sand.

    “I saw that bottle and it looked interesting,” Korotkikh told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “it looked like a German beer bottle and there was a message inside. ”

    It said, “My name is Frank, and I’m five years old. My dad and I are traveling on a ship to Denmark. If you find this letter, please write back to me, and I will write back to you.” The letter, dated 1987, included an address in the town of Coesfeld.

    The boy in the letter, Frank Uesbeck, is now 29. His parents still live at the letter’s address.

    The Russian boy and the German man met each other earlier this month through an internet video link. The Russian boy said he did not believe that the bottle actually spent 24 years in the sea. He believed it had been hidden under the sand where he found it for a long time.

    Uesbeck was especially happy that he was able to have a positive effect on a life of a young person far away from Germany. “It‘s really a wonderful story,” he said. “And who knows? Perhaps one day we will actually be able to arrange a meeting in person. ”

    1.What is this passage mainly about?

    A. Traveling on a ship.                                             B. A beautiful beer bottle.

    C. Message in a bottle.                                           D. Meeting an old friend.

    2.When the German boy threw the bottle into the sea, ________________.

    A. he was going back home.

    B. he was traveling to Denmark by ship with his dad.

    C. he was walking with his parents on a beach.

    D. he was already 29 years old.

    3.According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

    A. Korotkikh’s parents still live in the town of Coesfeld.

    B. The German boy did not believe that the bottle actually spent 24 years in the sea.

    C. Frank Uesbeck and Daniil Korotkikh have met each other in person.

    D. Daniil Korotkikh and Frank Uesbeck have got in touch with each other.

    4.Why was Uesbeck very happy when he got the information of the 24 years’ beer bottle?

    A. Because he could have a new friend.

    B. Because the two boys could surf the internet together.

    C. Because he could have a positive influence on a life of a young person.

    D. Because he finally got what he had lost.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. I spend a lot of time backpacking and hiking the outdoors and there are two pieces of equipment that are with me on each trip: an Adventure Medical Kits Weekender and an Adventure Medical Kits Suture Syringe Kit. Both proved very helpful on my most recent adventures to the Wrangell in Alaska.

    On that day, we were “blessed” with rain, making our water crossing on the Dixie Pass very difficult. Our party of 12 had almost reached our destination when I slipped, severely gashing(划伤) my knee open in the process. While I could not see the wound at first because of the rain pants I was wearing, I knew it was severe.

    Blood was running freely and I made those standing nearby aware of the damage. They quickly came over to assist, pulled my pack off and removed the Weekender First Aid Kit and Suture Kit from it. Fortunately, one of my partners is a doctor called William, who has often performed this type of work in the operating room, not out in the wild.

    I seriously think he was more nervous about all this than me! I, of course, was more than happy that I did not have to stitch(缝合) myself up. As a marine, I’ve had to do it before. Fortunately, the sky had cleared up about two hours before, so we had great sunlight to work with. The doctor worked quickly with the assistance of another fellow camper acting as a nurse and placed seven stitches into my knee once the wound had been cleaned up.

    Later that evening we used a syringe(注射器) we set aside loaded with Iodine(抗炎药) to clean the wound and then bandaged it again. The doctor was very impressed with the kits contents!

    I’ve already ordered another Suture Syringe Kit. I have to say the kits are worth their weight in gold! Thanks for the contents in the kits!

    1.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 probably refer to?

    A. the wound              B. the rain                 C. the kit                               D. the knee

    2.Why did the author think that William was more nervous while performing the first aid than himself?

    A. Because William didn’t know how to use the kits.

    B. Because the author didn’t trust William.

    C. Because the author hurt himself severely.

    D. Because William had no experience of doing it in the wild.

    3.From the passage, we can infer that the kits are__________.

    A. useless                 B. extremely useful   C. troublesome             D. not essential

    4.What is mainly discussed in the passage?

    A. How first aid kits saved a backpacker in Alaska.

    B. How a doctor did the operation in the wild.

    C. How the author with 12 fellow campers hike the outdoors.

    D. How the author hurt himself.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. When was the last time you were late and expected someone to understand? How about the time you left your dishes on the table for someone else to clean up? Or perhaps you left the lid on the peanut butter jar loose, and the person after you opened the jar to find it dry and not fresh.

    Often, we are eager to ignore our own faults. But we have higher standards when it comes to our expectations of someone else who has the same expectations. We need to as equally understand the weaknesses of others and excuse them just as we excuse ourselves.

    Two of my strengths are punctuality(准时) and organization. I like to meet deadlines when they are due and keep the space around my computer neat and orderly. But sometimes things happen, and I slip from being perfect. When this happens, I show myself mercy and lower the standard for myself. However, if someone else makes a mess around my computer, I might not show them as much mercy as I show myself. If it can happen to me, then I should be willing to realize that it can happen to someone else as well.

    I am not suggesting that we should not work on improving our faults, or that it should be right to be late or leave a mess behind us. Although we should always be working towards self-improvement, we shouldn’t have a double standard that says we are excused from our own mistakes but we cannot excuse someone else. If we are not 100-percent perfect, we shouldn’t expect others to be.

    Mercy shows an understanding heart. If we are blind to our own faults, we will not be very merciful towards others. Showing a little mercy goes a long way when life’s little mistakes take place. When the tables are turned, showing mercy towards someone’s shortcomings could cause us to receive some in return.

    1.From the first paragraph we can learn that________________.

    A. we all make a mess sometimes

    B. we all need private space

    C. we should accept others’ help with gratitude

    D. we should not open the lid on the peanut butter jar

    2.How does the author develop the third paragraph?

    A. By raising questions.                                           B. By giving examples.

    C. By analyzing opinions.                                         D. By showing research findings

    3.The underlined part,       “When the tables are turned” in the last paragraph, can be best replaced by____________.

    A. “When good luck comes”                                  B. “When benefits increase”

    C. “When our mistakes happen”                           D. “When the situation is changed”

    4.What would be the best title for this passage?

    A. Changing Bad Daily Habits                                  B. Excusing Our Own Faults

    C. Being Merciful Toward Others                          D. Working Toward Self-improvement

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Instead of a normal court hearing, the trial on Wednesday appeared more like a prepared drama. Hundreds of reporters waited outside the court, in the hope of learning “shocking” information about the case, which includes well-known military singer Li Shuangjiang’s son, who gang-raped a woman with another four men on February.

    The case was not a public hearing because it includes teenagers, whose privacy must be protected under law, but many details had been exposed by the lawyers before the trial.

    Lawyers of all five suspects and the woman’s lawyer made a lot of debate on the Internet before the trial, making the case more confused.

    Wu Ming’an, a law professor from the China University of Political Science and Law, said it was a pity to see such a “performance” by the lawyers.

    “It can be understood that the two parties freely spoke their opinions, but it’s not professional or wise to see lawyers do the same,” Wu said. “Instead, the lawyers should guide and persuade their clients(当事人) to calm down, especially for such a non-public and sensitive case.”

    China has no clear rule to manage lawyers’ behavior before trials, “but it should be general knowledge that the lawyers of the two sides cannot leak too many details, particularly in a case that includes teenagers”, Wu added.

    Yi Shenghua, a lawyer who has been following the case, said it does more harm than good to both parties for such detailed information to be exposed before the trial.

    “It’s OK for lawyers to speak, but what is said must be reasonable and legal. Although judgments should not be affected by public opinion, it’s hard for them not to be,” he said, suggesting judicial authorities should speak out if the case goes wrongly.

    Trials must be conducted based on evidence, while lawyers should protect their clients’ rights instead of adding fuel to the flames, Yi said.

    In my eyes, the most important aspect of the case, lies in how to make lawyers do their work more professionally and reasonably.

    1.Why was the case not a public hearing?

    A. Because it included the well-known military singer Li Shuangjiang’s son.

    B. Because the victim was a woman.

    C. Because teenagers’ privacy must be protected under law.

    D. Because many details had already been exposed before the trial.

    2.What is Wu ming’an’s attitude towards the lawyers’ behavior of making a lot of debate on the internet before the trial?

    A. approval   B. critical   C. neutral   D. indifferent

    3.The underlined part “leak” in para. 6 refers to_________.

    A. give away   B. squeeze out   C. break down   D. sweep up

    4.From Yi Shenghua, we know that _______________.

    A. The lawyers’ behavior before trials hasn’t been ruled.

    B. It doesn’t matter whether the detailed information is exposed before the trial.

    C. What lawyers say must be reasonable and legal.

    D. It is hard for judgments to be affected by public opinion.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Everyone may all have the experience of feeling anxious and stressed when having a rough day or having some troubles. Different people may choose different ways to deal with it, and for most people a break for a 10-minute walk may be quite useful.

    Anyway, here is another way around: to get a piece of chewing gum, and chew it. According to a Swinburne University of Technology study, gum-chewing has been found to “relieve anxiety, improve alertness(机敏性) and reduce stress among individuals in a laboratory setting.”

    Some may argue that a laboratory is not the same as an office. But check out the conditions of the study: individuals were monitored while performing “a group of ‘multi-tasking’ activities.” Doesn’t it sound like the situation in the office?

    Here’s a summary of some of the study’s findings:

    Gum chewers showed a reduction in anxiety as compared to non-gum chewers by nearly 17 percent during mild stress and nearly 10 percent in appropriate stress.

    Gum chewers showed improvement in alertness over non-gum chewers by nearly 19 percent during mild stress and 8 percent in moderate stress.

    Improved Performance: Chewing gum resulted in a big improvement in overall performance on multi-tasking activities.

    Although these aren’t major improvements, every little bit works and chewing a piece of gum is a lot quicker and easier than slipping outside for a 10-minute walk. So, how does gum work this magic? In part it does so by lowering the level of cortisol(皮质醇)—a steroid(类固醇) hormone that is released in response to stress in your system.

    A few words of advice before you reach for the gum: don’t crack your gum, and be sure to chew it with your mouth closed. In fact, I’d say keep the gum out of meetings, because it really looks impolite to others around you.

    1.From the study in the text we know that_________________.

    A. gum chewers may lack alertness

    B. gum chewers tend to be less stressed

    C. gum chewers can finish many jobs perfectly

    D. gum chewers can reduce their anxiety and anger easily

    2.How does gum work to reduce stress according to the text?

    A. It works by improving alertness.

    B. It works by allowing a 10-minute walk.

    C. It works by reducing one’s level of cortisol.

    D. It works by being chewed in a laboratory setting.

    3.Which one may the author probably agree with?

    A. People should chew gum with their mouths closed in a meeting.

    B. It is impolite to chew gum in a meeting with people around you.

    C. People can crack gum freely when meeting friends.

    D. People should be careful when chewing gum at home.

    4.What does the text mainly talk about?

    A. How to chew gum.                                              B. How to relieve stress.

    C. Why people love chewing gum.                       D. Chewing gum can relieve stress.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 1 题
  1. 阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。

    1.At present there are few sites for car racing and testing in Beijing, _________________of the market.(meet)


    2.______________________________, please come up to my office at 5 0’clock. (convenient)


    3.Take care not to keep your children ________________.(expose)


    4.Yesterday, the coach as well as the football players ____________________taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. ( accuse )


    5.It was not until all the evidences had been shown to him ______________________.(admit)


    6.One of your friends is said _____________________in the supermarket when she was doing shopping yesterday. ( treat )


    7.He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with _______________________.(go)


    8.________________________, I realized that I had left his jacket on the playground.(moment)


    9.___________________to find a job as a waitress for several months, Dina finally took a position at a local advertising agency. (struggle)


    10.___________________, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. (as)


    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 请根据以下提示,结合你生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文。

    Failure is annoying, but what failure can teach us may never be taught in other ways.






    难度: 中等查看答案及解析