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本卷共 43 题,其中:
单项填空 33 题,其他题 3 题,完型填空 1 题,阅读理解 4 题,信息匹配 1 题,书面表达 1 题
中等难度 40 题,困难题 3 题。总体难度: 中等
单项填空 共 33 题
  1. We are all aware _________ the many threats _________ the environment and we need to take action to prevent us from the bad consequences.

    A. of; to                                B. of; on                      C. that; to                                       D. that; on

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. I don’t know what happened to my pet. It just ________ eat whatever I feed her.

    A. don’t                                 B. won’t                       C. can’t                             D. couldn’t

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Although he is a well-known star, he never gives others an impression that he is _________ those who play with him.

    A. more inferior than         B. more superior than

    C. inferior to               D. superior to

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. The trees ___________ down in the storm have been moved off the road.

    A. being blown           B. blown

    C. having been blown                  D. blowing

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  5. Talk to anyone in this country ________ you will find education and food safety are the problems of top concern.

    A. thus                                  B. or                             C. then                                  D. and

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  6. While every possible means __________ to prevent the river pollution, the river in my hometown has still not been restored to its past beauty.

    A. is tried                   B. are tried

    C. has been tried                D. have been tried

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  7. President Obama and visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping held talks on a private property, _________ the first official meeting since the two countries changed their leadership.

    A. marking                            B. to mark                   C. marked          D. to be marked

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  8. Liu Yang has gone down into history because she is the first Chinese woman ________ in space.

    A. traveled                           B. having traveled

    C. has traveled           D. to travel

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  9. I never thought anyone would speak ill of him to his face, _________?

    A. did I                                 B. didn’t I                    C. would they                      D. wouldn’t they

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  10. – My brother passed the driving test and he is planning to buy a car of his own.

    – Congratulations! ___________.

    A. So am I                    B. So did I

    C. So it is with me                D. So will I

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  11. – Shall we go to see our teacher tomorrow morning?

    – I’d like to, but I ____________ a test between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. tomorrow.

    A. have been taking           B. will be taking

    C. am about to take            D. took

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  12. Was it by holding the pro-environment campaigns ___________ the company attracted wide publicity?

    A. where                              B. that                          C. which                                D. to which

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  13. The increasing use of foreign words may lead to _________ the good qualities of traditional Chinese.

    A. people forgetting    B. people to forget

    C. forgetting people   D. people forget

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  14. College students want to find jobs ________ they can receive not only good pay but also a sense of satisfaction.

    A. that                                   B. in that                      C. where                               D. from it

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  15. The sun was shining and the birds singing. __________ a princess, pale and weeping.

    A. Walked through the forest

    B. Through the forest walked

    C. Through the forest walking

    D. Walking through the forest

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  16. The special news program analyzed the extent _________ people’s daily lives have been changed by modern inventions since the 1890s.

    A. in which                           B. at which                  C. on which                          D. to which

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  17. After travelling around the world, I found New Zealand to be closest to _________ I thought a person should spend his years after retirement.

    A. how                                  B. what                                  C. why                          D. where

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  18. University graduates should develop such skills as critical thinking, and inter-personal communication, ________ are important in personal development.

    A. which are believed by the manager that

    B. which are believed by the manager

    C. which the manager believes that

    D. which the manager believes

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  19. He is _________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.

    A. optimistic                         B. optional                            C. optimal                    D. obsessed

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  20. _________ by the superstars on television, the young athletes trained hard and played intensely.

    A. Imitated                              B. Imposed                     C. Insured                   D. Inspired

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  21. The _________ at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it.

    A. convention               B. confinement        C. principle                          D. discipline

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  22. The native Canadians lived in __________ with nature, for they respected nature as a provider of life.

    A. contact                       B. contrast                    C. harmony                          D. relation

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  23. They were __________ admision to the military exhibition because they were foreigners.

    A. denied                             B. declined                           C. deprived                          D. rejected

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  24. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally ___________ his point by relating his own experience.

    A. illustrated                        B. hinted                               C. dealt                                 D. purified

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  25. The point is that the new, the different, is almost by __________ scary.

    A. definition                         B. limitation                          C. declaration                      D. origin

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  26. David paused to consult his notes, and then _______ with his speech.

    A. proceeded                      B. pursed                           C. pronounced                   D. proposed

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  27. Being able to speak but not write is like living in a(n)__________ mansion and never leaving one small room.

    A. vital                           B. enormous                    C. moderate                 D. visible

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  28. The opening between the rocks was very narrow, but the boys managed to _______ through.

    A. press                          B. squeeze                         C. stretch                               D. leap

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  29. I had just posted the letter when I remembered that I hadn’t _________ the cheque.

    A. imposed                           B. involved                           C. enclosed                          D. contained

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  30. I hate people who __________ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.

    A. reveal                               B. rewrite                           C. revise                     D. reverse

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  31. It _________ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both.

    A. presents                          B. entitles                    C. credits                              D. tips

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  32. Science and technology have __________ in important ways to the improvement of agricutural production.

    A. attached                          B. assisted                            C. contributed                     D. witnessed

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  33. ________ recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.

    A. In view of                         B. In memory of

    C. In case of                         D. In favor of

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

其他题 共 3 题
  1. A. concentrated     B. possible      C. revised       D. applications     E. figures    F. connect         G. benefits       H. global        I. associate        J. tops

    More than two million people in Europe now have fiber broadband(光纤宽带)direct to their home, suggests a survey. The latest ________1.________ on superfast broadband delivered by fiber to the home (FTTH) show 18% growth over the last survey compiled in late 2008.

    The continued growth suggests that the ________2.________ economic decline has not hit plans to build fiber networks. Sweden ________3.________ the list of nations applying the technology, with 10.9% of its broadband customers using fiber. Karel Helsen, president of Europe’s Fiber-To-The-Home Council, said the growth matched predictions that were ________4.________ when the credit crisis started to make itself felt. “The numbers in 2009 are in line with the latest forecasts,” said Mr. Helsen.

    By 2013, the FTTH Council expects that 13 million people across 35 European nations will have their broadband delivered by fiber. Such services would start at a speed of 100 megabits per second (mbps), said Mr. Helsen. Around Europe more than 233 projects were underway to lay the fibers that would ________5.________ homes or buildings to the net, said Mr. Helsen. Many of those, he said, were being operated by local governments or smaller net firms. Local governments were interested in FTTH because of the economic and social ________6.________ it brought in its wake, said Mr. Helsen.

    The low delay in high-speed fiber networks made ________7.________ new uses of broadband, he said. “No delay is very important,” he said, “specifically if you talk about ________8.________ that are time-dependent such as personal communications, conference calls or video calls where delays cause a lot of trouble.” While early FTTH services were ________9.________ in cities, said Mr. Helsen, many more were reaching out to rural areas for e-health and e-learning projects.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. 1.这家公司决定开展一个全国性的广告活动来推广自己的产品。(campaign)


    3.每个市民都应该尽自己的一份力来抵制在动物身上进行试验。(do one’s part)


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

  3. Stress for a teenager is as real a problem as stress for an adult. To deal with it, it’s important to understand the causes of stress in teenagers.

    When parents change their jobs or if the family decides to move to a different place, the child has to change schools, find new friends, adapt to the new social circle and fit into new groups. It is always difficult for children to adapt to such changes, which can be a serious cause of stress in their life.

    Academic difficulties, such as inability to understand a certain subject can cause stress. Not every child has the ability to understand every subject. Some kids need extra help besides school work to grasp a few concepts. Poor academic performance is often laughed at and is looked down upon by both teachers and peers. In such cases, it can make the child feel isolated, neglected and hurt. All of this, put together, can add to stress, which many times worsens grades.

    Extra curricular activities (课外活动) such as playing a sport, or attending art classes can weigh heavily on your child’s mind. Juggling between school and extra curricular activities does seem like a burden when you have to excel at both. When the pressures from both the ends get unmanageable, teenagers tend to get tired and annoyed. Fatigue sets in, leading to stress related issues such as lack of concentration in school.

    These are the common causes of stress in teenagers, which can be noticed through signs such as poor memory, anxiety, negative and pessimistic attitude. If the signs of teenage stress go unrecognized for a long time, it can make the child emotinally imbalanced.

    1.Extra curricular activities may lead to additional pressure for teenagers when they have difficulty _________________________________________________________.

    2.How can parents notice that their teenagers are under stress?


    3.____________________, ___________________, extra-curricular activities are the common causes of stress in teenagers.

    4.According to your experience, what other causes of teenage stress do you know? (List two causes).


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析

完型填空 共 1 题
  1. To advertise effectively today, you must abandon the old-school idea of “reaching the masses”. All advertising is local and personal. The key to effective advertising today is to focus on the  45 .

    Some are the  46  ways every advertiser could work out. You can print a specific offer of your goods or service on door-hangers and place them on doorknobs in your area. Door-hangers on doorknobs will produce results in direct  47  about the strength of your offer. If you need to reach the drivers, flyer (宣传单) under windshield (挡风玻璃) wipers may have better effect than door-hangers. Imagine, how  48  if you hire someone to be a walking ad or launch a T-shirt advertising,  49, you can print your products on T-shirts of your  50 . In the early 1970s “Hamp Baker says Drive with Care” was spray-painted on cars, which was a public service ad. Ever since, spray-painted sign has become more and more 51 .

    More grand ways are as follows: virtual showroom. Build a website to 52    a virtual showroom. Use it when people call to ask    53  about your company, your products or your services. Also you can even use an old slide projector to put on a nighttime show. They’re  54  effective, and in the long run, cheap. Nothing is quite as powerful as a public 55  that seizes the public’s attention. You can invite a band to give a performance. 56 , you can hire famous models to show it vividly.

    Nothing screams “expert” quite as loudly as a book written about a subject. You simply can’t 57  the power of your name on the cover of a book. You might only sell a few copies online, but the copies you give away in your town will make you a fortune. You won’t make money on the book. You’ll make it because of the book.

    Of course, word-of-mouth is the best way to promote your 58 . Friends and past customers recommend your products to their family, friends and colleagues. Word-of-mouth works because the 59   is based on previous positive experiences.

    1.A. person                 B. product        C. individual                 D. style

    2.A. special                          B. common     C. amusing                    D. normal

    3.A. description                  B. decision   C. discussion                    D. permission

    4.A. surprising            B. funny      C. impressive            D. amazing

    5.A. that is        B. at the same time             C. as a result             D. on occasion

    6.A. customers           B. employers     C. consumers                     D. employees

    7.A. expensive           B. usual        C. popular                        D. meaningless

    8.A. refer to      B. serve as         C. stand for               D. use as

    9.A. location                   B. business-hours       C. salary            D. details

    10.A. unbelievably        B. consequently          C. accidentally            D. occasionally

    11.A. speech                       B. sport         C. debate                D. performance

    12.A. For example         B. Moreover       C. However       D. To be exact

    13.A. create                         B. guess              C. imagine         D. think

    14.A. production                B. reflection               C. consciousness      D. business

    15.A. information               B. relationship    C. pronunciation     D. achievement

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. Lying in the sun on a rock, the cougar(美洲豹)saw Jeb and his son, Tom, before they saw it. Jeb put his bag down quickly and pulled his jacket open with both hands, making himself look big to the cougar. It worked. The cougar hesitated, ready to attack Jeb, but ready to forget the whole thing, too.

    Jeb let go of his jacket, grasped Tom and held him across his body, making a cross. Now the cougar’s enemy looked even bigger, and it rose up, ready to move away, but unfortunately Tom got scared and struggled free of Jeb.

    “Tom, no!” shouted his father.

    But Tom broke and ran and that’s the last thing you do with a cougar. The second Tom broke free, Jeb threw himself on the cougar, just as it jumped from the rock. They hit each other in mid-air and both fell. The cougar was on Jeb in a flash, forgetting about Tom, which was what Jeb wanted.

    Cougars are not as big as most people think and a determined man stands a chance, even with just his fists. As the cougar’s claws(爪子)got into his left shoulder, Jeb swung his fist at its eyes and hit hard. The animal howled and put its head back. Jeb followed up with his other fist. Then out of the corner of his eye, Jeb saw Tom. The boy was running back to help his father.

    “Knife, Tom,” shouted Jeb.

    The boy ran to his father’s bag, while Jeb started shouting as well as hitting, to keep the cougar’s attention away from Tom. Tom got the knife and ran over to Jeb. The cougar was moving its head in and out, trying to find a way through the wall Jeb was making out of his arms. Tom swung with the knife, into the cougar’s back. It howled horribly and ran off into the mountains.

    The whole fight had taken about thirty seconds.

    1.Why did Jeb pull his jacket open when he saw the cougar?

    A. To get ready to fight.                                             B. To frighten it away.

    C. To protect the boy.                                                D. To cool down.

    2.What do we know about cougars?

    A. They are afraid of noises.

    B. They hesitate before they hit.

    C. They are bigger than we think.

    D. They like to attack running people.

    3.Which of the following happened first?

    A. The cougar jumped from the rock.

    B. Tom struggled free of his father.

    C. Jeb asked Tom to get the knife.

    D. Jeb held Tom across his body.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  2. Calling for Contributions

    Keen to share your views and have your articles published in the Campus Link? We are calling for contributions to the following sections:


    Do you travel widely, keep a journal of your adventures and have nice photographs that you might want to share? Or have you simply been somewhere that caught your imagination? Tell us all about your travels!

    Are you an eager movie-goer? Be Leonard Maltin for the day and share your views of the latest blockbuster (大片) with our readers!

    If food is your preferred choice of relaxation, try your hand at being food critic and send us your views on food/restaurants worth trying.

    Class Notes:

    Whether it’s about your accomplishments, memories of campus days, your recent career or a new addition to your family, we welcome you to share your news, views and photos with friends and classmates through Class Notes. Read about your classmates in this issue of Campus Link.


    If this noble line of work is your bread and butter or passion, we want to hear from you! Share with Campus Link your research developments and breakthroughs. If you know of someone (your schoolmate or teacher) whose research work is a source of inspiration for our community, do not hesitate to send in your suggestions!

    If you are interested in sharing any of the above, or if you know of someone worthy of feature, please get in touch with the Editor-in-Chief, at [email protected]

    Contributions will be selected based on their relevance and quality and Campus Link reserves the right to publish or reject a submission. All contributions will be edited for clarity and length. Please send your submissions in word.doc files and your photos in jpeg format.

    Contributions for the next issue should reach us by 10 July 2013.

    1.In the Lifestyle section, you may not find ___________.

    A. journals of travels                                               B. well-taken photographs

    C. stories of Leonard Maltin                             D. opinions on restaurants

    2.Which of the following is TRUE about Campus Link?

    A. It offers readers bread and butter.

    B. It welcomes research developments and breakthroughs.

    C. It helps you to recognize your schoolmates and teachers.

    D. It is a source of inspiration for the community.

    3.The poster aims to __________.

    A. declare the rights of Campus Link

    B. introduce someone worthy of feature

    C. share views and articles among teachers

    D. encourage contributions for the next issue

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  3. Humans have sewn by hand for thousands of years. It was said that the first thread was made from animal muscle and sinew (肌腱). And the earliest needles were made from bones. Since those early days, many people have been involved in the process of developing a machine that could do the same thing more quickly and with greater efficiency.

    Charles Wiesenthal, who was born in Germany, designed and received a patent on a double-pointed needle that eliminated the need to turn the needle around with each stitch (缝合) in England in 1755. Other inventors of that time tried to develop a functional sewing machine, but each design had at least one serious imperfection.

    Frenchman Barthelemy Thimonnier finally engineered a machine that really worked. However, he was nearly killed by a group of angry tailors when they burned down his garment factory. They feared that they would lose their jobs to the machine.

    American inventor Elias Howe, born on July 9, 1819, was awarded a patent for a method of sewing that used thread from two different sources. Howe’s machine had a needle with an eye at the point, and it used the two threads to make a special stitch called a lockstitch. However, Howe faced difficulty in finding buyers for his machines in America. In frustration, he traveled to England to try to sell his invention there. When he finally returned home, he found that dozens of manufacturers were adapting his discovery for use in their own sewing machines.

    Isaac Singer, another American inventor, was also a manufacturer who made improvements to the design of sewing machines. He invented an up-and-down-motion mechanism that replaced the side-to-side machines. He also developed a foot treadle (脚踏板) to power his machine. This improvement left the sewer’s hands free. Undoubtedly, it was a huge improvement of the hand-cranked machine of the past. Soon the Singer sewing machine achieved more fame than the others for it was more practical. It could be adapted to home use and it could be bought on hire-purchase. The Singer sewing machine became the first home appliance, and the Singer company became one of the first American multinationals.

    However, Singer used the same method to create a lockstitch that Howe had already patented. As a result, Howe accused him of patent infringement (侵犯). Of course, Elias Howe won the court case, and Singer was ordered to pay Howe royalties (版税). In the end, Howe became a millionaire, not by manufacturing the sewing machine, but by receiving royalty payments for his invention.

    1.Barthelemy Thimonnier’s garment factory was burned down because __________.

    A. people did not know how to put out the fire

    B. Elias Howe thought Thimonnier had stolen his invention

    C. the sewing machines couldn’t work finally

    D. workers who feared the loss of their jobs to a machine set fire

    2.Why did the court force Isaac Singer to pay Elias Howe a lifetime of royalties?

    A. Because the judge was against Singer for his unfriendly attitude.

    B. Because Howe had already patented the lockstitch used by Singer.

    C. Because Singer had borrowed money from Howe and never repaid it.

    D. Because Singer and Howe had both invented the same machine.

    3.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

    A. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

    B. The Case between Howe and Singer

    C. Patent Laws on the Sewing Machine

    D. The Early History of the Sewing Machine

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge(大杂烩) of environmental claims made by household products, according to a “green labeling” study published by Consumers International Friday.

    Among the report’s more unacceptalbe findings – a German fertilizer described itself as “earthworm friendly”; a brand of flour said it was “non-polluting” and a British toilet paper claimed to be “environmentally friendlier”.

    The study was written and researched by Britain’s National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumers International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.

    “While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear that there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impacts they buy,” said Consumers International director, Anna Fielder.

    The 10-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.

    The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent (洗涤剂), insect sprays and some garden products. It did not test claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September, 1999. Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

    “Many products had specially designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing,” said report researcher Philip Page.

    “Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading,” he said.

    The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as “environmentally friendly” and “non-polluting” cannot be verified. “What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO,” said Page.

    1.According to the passage, the NCC found it unacceptable that _______.

    A. all the products surveyed claim to meet ISO standards

    B. the claims made by products are often unclear and deceiving

    C. consumers would believe many of the manufacturers’ claims

    D. few products actually prove to be environment friendly

    2.As indicated in this passage, with so many good claims, the consumers _______.

    A. are becoming more cautious about the products they are going to buy

    B. are still not willing to pay more for products with green labeling

    C. are becoming more aware of the effects different products have on the environment

    D. still do not know the exact impact of different products on the environment

    3.It can be inferred from the passage that the lobby group Consumer International wants to _______.

    A. make product labeling satisfy ISO requirements

    B. see all household products meet environmental standards

    C. warn consumers of the danger of so-called green products

    D. verify the effects of non-polluting products

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

信息匹配 共 1 题
  1. A. What are SIGs?

    B. What types of memberships are available?

    C. Who can join IATEFL China?

    D. What and where is IATEFL China?

    E. What links does IATEFL China have?

    F. What happens at the Annual Conference?


    IATEFL China is the International Association of English Language Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, China Branch. Its mother organization IATEFL was founded in the UK in 1967; it now has over 3,500 members in more than 100 countries throughout the world.

    IATEFL China core activities are managed by the Secretariat headed by the President. The others include, Volunteer activities, SIG Coordinators, and the Publication Committee.

    It is based in Tonghua City, Jilin Province of the People’s Republic of China and is managed by the President of the association. Other office staff include the General Secretary, the International Affairs Administrator, the Membership Secretary, the Newsletter Distribution, and the General Assistant.


    You can join as a full member and receive the association’s newsletter six times per year, two free publications, free membership to one SIG (Special Interest Group), discounts on publications, reduced conference registration fees, and voting rights.

    There are also special membership packages for institutional members and for members of IATEFL China’s associates (basic members).

    By the end of this year, members of IATEFL China can benefit from the special rights provided by the mother organization (IATEFL) at some rate.


    This is the most important event in the association’s calendar and takes place each year in August somewhere in China. It is attended by around 800 delegates each year and includes plenary sessions by eminent practitioners, a large number of workshops, talks and round table discussions given by able speakers, as ELT Exhibition and Pre-Conference Events organized by Special Interest Groups.


    Members can join any number of the 10 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) including: FLT Teaching & Learning Policy; FLT Curriculum & Syllabus Study; Coherence Research on Primary-secondary School and Secondary-Tertiary Transition; Primary School Classroom Instruction Model; Secondary School Classroom Instruction Model; Modern IT in FLT; Applied Linquistics; FL Learning Strategies; FL Teacher Development and Training; FL Textbook, Materials and Teaching Aids Design.


    IATEFL China has associate agreements with other teachers’ associations throughout the world. Among other things, there are usual agreements to exchange newsletters and to provide a speaker to attend each other’s conference at least once every year. More so, committee members from IATEFL China are willing to attend the conferences, meetings, etc. of related associations upon invitation.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. Directions: Write an English composition in 120 — 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


    难度: 困难查看答案及解析