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本卷共 10 题,其中:
阅读理解 4 题,七选五 1 题,完形填空 1 题,单词拼写 1 题,语法填空 1 题,短文改错 1 题,书面表达 1 题
简单题 6 题,中等难度 3 题,困难题 1 题。总体难度: 简单
阅读理解 共 4 题
  1. Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places:

    . Visit art museums. They offer some activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings(签名) by children's favorite writers, and even musical performances and other arts.

    . Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.

    . Go to a Youtheater.  Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts. Puppet (木偶) making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.

    .Try hands-on science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building.. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.

    1.If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit_________.

    A. a natural history museum           B. an art museum

    C. a Youtheater                  D. a hands-on science museum

    2.What can kids do at a Youtheater?

    A. Look at rock collections.

    B. See dinosaur models.

    C. Watch puppet making.

    D. Give performances.

    3.What does "hands-on science" mean in the last paragraph?

    A. Science games designed by kids.

    B. Reading science books.

    C. A show of kids' science work.

    D. Learning science by doing things.

    4. Where does this text probably come from?

    A. A science textbook.       B. A film review.

    C. A news report.           D. A museum guide.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  2. "To educate a girl is to educate a thousand people," says Maimouna Samaké, a mother of six children(including five girls). "If you put one seed(种子) in the ground and rain comes, it will grow to produce many seeds."

    Samaké, one of 2,000 residents, lives in a small village, Sounkala, in one of the world’s poorest countries. Now she has a chance to see this wish come true thanks to build On, an American non-profit organization that is building a school in her community.

    For 17 years, build On has been sending American high school students overseas to create schools in places where literacy(文化)and formal education are usually out of reach. The organization has built about 300 schools in Mali, Malawi, Nepal, Senegal, Nicaragua and Haiti. Its goal is to get young Americans in mostly urban(城市) areas to get involved in education. At the same time it can bring literacy to children and adults in poor villages in the developing world.

    Sounkala’s school only has about 70 children; mud floors, poor lighting, few desks and an absence of books mean that the school is not the most ideal learning environment. Therefore they certainly could use build On’s help.

    Samaké hasn’t been to school, but she wants a better future for her five daughters, including Ramatou, 12, and Mariam, 10. "When a woman attends school, she will teach what she learns to her children," said Ramatou, who wants to become a doctor. "She will also know how to take better care of her family."

    Build On tries to build schools for grades one to three. If things go well over those three years, they return to help build another school for grades four to six, and then set up evening adult literacy classes.

    Ramatou and Mariam will not learn inside the walls of build On school since they are already in the sixth grade, but Samaké hopes that they will be able to attend evening classes to continue learning.

    1.Which of the following aspects of build On is NOT mentioned in the text?

    A. Its history.    B. Its goal.

    C. Its approach.   D. Its sources of money.

    2.According to the text, build On is most likely to help a school _________.

    A. in a village in a developed country

    B. in an urban area in a developing country

    C. in a rural area in a developing country

    D. in an earthquake-stricken area in a developed country

    3.What do we know about Samaké and her family?

    A. Samaké only has daughters.

    B. Samaké is well-educated.

    C. Ramatou is a doctor.

    D. Mariam is in the sixth grade.

    4.The text mainly tells us about __________.

    A. people’s education conditions in poor areas

    B. a woman’s dream of going to school

    C. an organization that helps build schools for people in poor areas

    D. build On’s great contributions to education

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

  3. With all the responsibilities(责任) we face in our daily lives, it’s often hard to get a good night’s rest. The problem really lies in the stress that many of us experience. Stress robs you of the rest that you need by putting you in a state of pressure and worry. There are, of course, some methods that can help you relax, but only a few of them give you a good night’s sleep. One of them is soothing (舒缓的)music for sleep.

    Sleep music is not just for encouraging relaxation, it also can be used for various situations. Want to have a relaxing evening by yourself? Practice yoga in a comfortable environment? Think over something important? Then put on your favorite sleep music. Sleep music is not only fit for adults, but has also been known to be good for children. Soothing music helps your children go to sleep more easily.

    Massage therapists (按摩治疗师)can also benefit from using soothing music for sleep in their clinics(诊所). This allows clients(客户) to benefit more from the session. For example, massage therapists can provide the relaxation of the body through their techniques, and the music helps clients relax their minds, helping them to relax deeper and feel more refreshed after the session.

    You’ll never run out as there are some artists and companies that make sleep music. Choosing the right music is important as well. Like most music that you can find and buy in stores, sleep music has different styles, sounds, and subjects. There are those that are specifically for relaxation, while some are intended to help you go to sleep.

    The great thing about sleep music is that it will be something you’ll be using for months, even years to come. If you want a deeper relaxation and better sleep, give some soothing music for sleep a try.

    1. According to the text, people often don’t sleep well because _______.

    A. they often hear heavy music

    B. they have too much stress

    C. they are very tired

    D. they have little time to relax

    2.We can learn from the text that ______.

    A. sleep music is first used in massage

    B. all the sleep music is intended to help people to go to sleep

    C. clients during massage use sleep music to help them go to sleep

    D. clients will feel more refreshed after the massage using sleep music

    3. In the last paragraph, people are advised to______.

    A. have a rest to reduce the stress

    B. try some sleep music to relax and have a good sleep

    C. do a massage by sleep music

    D. choose a suitable sleep music

    4. The text is written mainly for those_________.

    A. who stay up late

    B. who often do massage

    C. who want to get a good sleep

    D. who like to listen to sleep music

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

  4. Almost every machine with moving parts has wheels, yet no one knows exactly when the first wheel was invented or what it was used for. We do know, however, that they existed over 5,500 years ago in ancient Asia.

    The oldest known transport wheel was discovered in 2002 in Slovenia. It is over 5,100 years old. Evidence suggests that wheels for transport didn't become popular for a while, though. This could be because animals did a perfectly good job of carrying farming tools and humans around.

    But it could also be because of a difficult situation. While wheels need to roll on smooth surfaces(光滑表面), roads with smooth surfaces weren't going to be built until there was plenty of demand for them. Finally, road surfaces did become smoother, but this difficult situation appeared again a few centuries later. There had been no important changes in wheel and vehicle design before the arrival of moden road design.

    In the mid-1700s, a Frenchman came up with a new design of road—a base layer (层) of large stones covered with a thin layer of smaller stones. A Scotsman improved on this design in the 1820s and a strong, lasting road surface became a reality. At around the same lime, metal hubs (the central part of a wheel) came into being, followed by the pneumatic tyre(充气轮胎) in 1846. Alloy(合金) wheels were invented in 1967, sixty years after the appearance of tarmacked roads (柏油路). As wheel design took off, vehicles got faster and faster.

    1. What might explain why transport wheels didn't become popular for some time?

    A. Few knew how to use transport wheels.

    B. Humans carried farming tools just as well.

    C. Animals were a good means of transport.

    D. The existence(存在)of transport wheels was not known.

    2.How is the last paragraph mainly developed?

    A. By giving examples.

    B. By making comparisons.

    C. By giving discussion

    D. By making classifications.(分类)

    3.What is the passage mainly about?

    A. The beginning of road design.

    B. The development of transport wheels.

    C. The history of public transport.

    D. His invention of fast-moving vehicles.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

七选五 共 1 题
  1. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Life comes in a package, which includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process(过程).   1.

    Happiness achieved by bringing a smile on another face gives a certain level of achievement. __2.   Sorrow is basically because of death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary(暂时的).

    3.  . It helps us to succeed and teaches us to survive and shows us an exact way, while success brings in money, fame, pride and self—respect. The only way to express our thanks for our success, achievements and happiness is to be respectful to the failure.

    Hope is what keeps life going. 4.  Hope builds in patience.

    5.  . Life also teaches us not to regret over yesterday, because it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

    A. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night, there is a day.

    B. With each passing day we learn to deal with various situations.

    C. Different people have different attitudes towards success and failure.

    D. Hope makes us dream.

    E. Failure is the path to success.

    F. Never stop doing whatever you are fond of.

    G. Only when we are in sorrow can we realize the true worth of happiness.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

完形填空 共 1 题
  1. 完型填空


    For several years, we lived at the end of a long Texas country road. Every evening when I was away from home on business, my little boy would ask _______of his mother to take his black  _____and his daddy’s walking stick, to make the half-mile_______from the house to the fence which_______the beginning of the dirty driveway.

    One day, I was busy with my business and was_______for about an hour, completely forgetting about the _______little boy down the road who might be_______for his daddy.

    On my way home, the rain was so thick that I could not_______ten feet in front of me. All I could______was finishing my journey and getting out of the rain. _______, the downpour began to abate(减弱). It was only a drizzle(细雨) by the time my car turned the last_______and approached the final street between me and a warm home and nice meal.

    _______, I caught sight of my little boy, who was_______an umbrella in one hand, a walking stick in the other, and was wearing the biggest and most beautiful smile ever to lighten the ______  of a little boy.

    As I stopped the car and_______the door, he ran into my arms and held me long and hard. He was wet and_______with cold, but he never_______the rain, nor the hour-long wait. He simply said, “Daddy, I missed you. I am so glad you are home.”

    Last year, we_______to a wonderful new home provided for a special season in our lives. We no longer have a long country road. _______, I have never forgotten the rainy day and the little boy and his black dog. Often, perhaps a thousand times, that_______has appeared in my mind. Like all events in our lives, it happens once, and must be treasured.

    1.A. order      B. permission     C. praise       D. likes

    2.A. bag       B. dog           C. umbrella     D. toy

    3.A. journey     B. flight         C. effort       D. ride

    4.A. discovered   B. explained        C. marked       D. described

    5.A. controlled   B. trained       C. delayed       D. bothered

    6.A. useful      B. grateful       C. careful      D. faithful

    7.A. waiting     B. sending       C. searching      D. calling

    8.A. drive       B. see           C. feel          D. hear

    9.A. stick to     B. think of       C. pick up        D. hold out

    10.A. In fact    B. In surprise      C. At once       D. At last

    11.A. moment    B. corner         C. street       D. way

    12.A. All of a sudden  B. Believe it or not  C. In other words  D. For seconds

    13.A. holding    B. opening       C. finding      D. lifting

    14.A. body       B. head           C. face         D. hand

    15.A. closed      B. locked         C. knocked       D. opened

    16.A. worrying     B. crying         C. trembling      D. complaining

    17.A. noticed    B. doubted       C. judged       D. mentioned

    18.A. moved     B. turned         C. returned       D. traveled

    19.A. Therefore    B. Besides        C. Otherwise      D. However

    20.A. time      B. scene          C. act          D. sight

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

单词拼写 共 1 题
  1. 单词拼写:用单词或提示词的适当形式填空,每空限一词

    1.To our great _______(delighted), it worked perfectly.

    2.The school uses both modern and _________(tradition) methods for teaching reading.

    3.Finding the lost pen gave me a sense of __________(achieve).

    4.Good _______ (finance) condition leads to good health.

    5.The old man shook his head in _________(belief) when I told him I would go to the moon.

    6.A ________(标题) on the front page draws attention to the story inside.

    7.Many people have trouble sleeping after a long _________(飞行).

    8.Our company was __________(建立) in 2003. That is to say, it has a history of more than 10 years.

    9.The female went up the stairs with light _________(优雅的) steps.

    10.He doesn’t always call me up. He only calls me ____________(有时).

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

语法填空 共 1 题
  1. 语法填空

    Bill: Alice, there are some questions I want to ask about the Olympics? __1.__ longest running race in the modern Olympic Games is called the Marathon. Can you tell me something about it?

    Alice: Ok. It gets its name from a town in Greece___2.__(call) Marathon, ____3.____ is 26 miles from Athens, the capital city of Greece. This is the story of why the Marathon race is included in the Olympic Games.

    Bill: There is a story about it?

    Alice: yes.

    Bill: Can you tell me ___4.__it?

    Alice: Ok. Once there was an ancient Greek soldier called Phidippides. He ran so fast _5.___ he was often sent on long journeys with important___6.____(message). One day the leader of Athens led their army to fight against their enemies and won the battle. They wanted to make their people know what ____7.__(happen). So they asked Phidippides to go to Athens and tell their people the good news. He was very tired after all the fighting but he ran as fast as he could. As he managed _____8.____(get) to the centre of the city, he fell to the ground, ____9.___(open) his mouth and cried, “Athens is saved!” Then he fell down, dead. His story became famous and it was remembered by the Marathon race of 26 miles, which is the __10.____(distant) from Marathon to Athens.

    Bill: That’s a moving story. We should remember him.

    难度: 简单查看答案及解析

短文改错 共 1 题
  1. 改错

    Time fly like an arrow. I’m already in Senior Grade 3 before I realized it. It will be only a little more than eight months before I graduate middle school. At the present, I’m busy review my lessons in order to take the College Entrance Examination. I hope to go to Beijing University, that is one of the best university not only in China but also in the world. I’ll try my best to turn your dream into reality. Most of my classmates are also studying very hardly to realize their dreams. I do believe everyone will be able to enter an university or college.

    难度: 中等查看答案及解析

书面表达 共 1 题
  1. 书面表达








    难度: 困难查看答案及解析