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In the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, two athletes(运动员) were in the long jump final. One was famous German athlete, Lutz Long and the 1. was Jesse Owens, an American from Cleveland. It was 2.(they) first time to know each other. At the beginning of the competition, Jesse Owens had some problems because he stepped over the white line 3.(two). At that time, everyone4. (think) Lutz would win the game. But what happened next 5. (real) surprised everyone. Lutz went directly to Jesse and told him he could do it 6. (well) than anyone. Jesse was moved by Lutz's words and their next two jumps were both good. However, Jesse beat Lutz7. Lutz missed the gold medal. After 8. competition, Lutz came to shake hands with Jesse. The two athletes became very good 9.(friend). When asked why he helped Jesse, Lutz said that making a new friend is more important10. winning a gold medal.

