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Young students from many nations travel to Canada each summer for the vacation. They will_____ their days living and working like the cowboys of long ago at a working farm. It will make an unforgettable summer. They'll learn about co­operation and hard_____.

Soon after arriving in early July, the teenagers will learn how to ride a horse. After that, they'll learn how to cut wood, _____ a fire, and cook a noon­time meal out in the open fields. They'll learn how to find their way using a compass, the sun, the moon and the stars_____ their guide. Building fences, cutting dry grass—the list of skills goes on and on._____ the main skill these young international students will pick up is the skill of getting along with others.

They will rise each morning and come back before sunset, and work another_____ around the camp and the kitchen. When their long day of labour(劳动) is complete, they'll finally_____ together for a meal. In the evening, around a big campfire, they'll discuss world events. Not long after the stars come out, they'll be_____ asleep in their beds. Russian, Chinese, English, Spanish—one of the first things they'll do is to_____ how to communicate with each other.

By the end of their stay at this farm, they'll know a lot about each other. They'll understand their______ cultures. Many of the friendships made at this ranch will last a lifetime. When the students return to their home countries, they'll have a better understanding of the way other people live.

1.A.take B.cost C.pay D.spend

2.A.way B.study C.work D.attitude

3.A.put B.make C.produce D.cook

4.A.for B.with C.of D.as

5.A.But B.And C.Or D.Although

6.A.day B.week C.hour D.month

7.A.close down B.sit down C.walk down D.lie down

8.A.fast B.aloud C.early D.late

9.A.take B.show C.prove D.learn

10.A.exciting B.similar C.perfect D.different

