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Fill in the blanks with proper words. The first letter of each word is given.

Have you ever noticed how you feel when you play with a dog or cat? Or maybe even some other animals, like a goldfish or a rabbit. Of course, it is fun to P1. with pets – but as it turns out, spending time with animals can also be good for our mental health (心理健康).

“A pet can remind you that you’re not a2.,” said life coach Desiree Wiercyski. She added that pets give unconditional (无条件的) l3.. It 4. h4. you a lot when you feel lonely.

I can speak from experience (经验) about this. I myself feel a bit sad or lonely from time to time, since I live  b5. myself. But I recently had the chance (机会) to take care of my friend’s cats while she was  a6.. Caring for her cats has made a big difference in my life.

When I come home, they’re always happy to see me. When I’m t7. or sad, they come to me and “ask” me to pet them. It’s almost like they can tell when I need s8. to hang out with (一起玩). So the next time you’re feeling a bit blue (忧伤的), maybe you should f9. a dog or cat to talk to. Even something as easy as petting a cat can make you feel h10. and healthier.

