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Every day has the potential to be a good and, in some cases, a great day for you. Few of us get up in the morning,1.(think) that we want this to be a bad day. Yet in many cases the day turns that way because of a person or an event 2.we worry about.

Think about those small3.(event) which can throw you off balance and affect your whole day 4.(negative). Who stole your day?5.(Be) it your boss, an odd driver on the way to work, or an impolite waiter at lunch that did?

Every day numerous people or things can prevent us6.having a good day, if we let them. The key is that we should adopt7.positive attitude towards life. We cannot control8.happens to us in many cases, but we can control how we react to them.

Lao-tzu, a Chinese 9.(philosophy), said, “He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers10.(he) is mighty.

