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“Please don’t go to Wuhan if it isn’t really necessary,” Zhong Nanshan, a famous doctor, said to the public when the 2019-nCoV hit (袭击) Wuhan. But Zhong, 84, took an overnight train to Wuhan to fight against it.

Many Chinese know Zhong as a hero in SARS in 2003. People share his photos and words online, saying they “follow every word of Zhong”. He gives Chinese people hope to win this battle (战役).

A great doctor

Zhong comes from a family of doctors. He wants to save as many lives as possible. In 2003, when SARS hit China, he went to treat the sickest patients. After months, his treatment plan for SARS was adopted (采纳) by China and then the whole world. And it saved thousands of lives.

Back to the frontlines

Seventeen years later, Zhong is once again leading a team to fight the 2019-nCoV. Although this new virus may be more dangerous to old people, Zhong worries little about his own safety.

He takes a high-speed train from Guangzhou to Wuhan. Then he becomes the first expert to tell people that the virus can be spread (传播) between humans. Then his team developed a rapid test kit (快速检测试剂盒) for the disease that can show results within 15 minutes.

As People’s Daily writes, “the 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan shows what the backbone (脊梁) of our nation is like.”

1.How does Zhong Nanshan get to Wu Han?


2.When does Zhong Nanshan become very famous?


3.Are there other doctors in Zhong’s family?


4.As a doctor, what is Zhong Nanshan’s dream?


5.According to the passage, what does the writer think of Zhong Nanshan?


