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One day, a fox invites a stork(鹤)to his den(穴居)for dinner. The stork sits down at the table, and the fox brings out two bowls of soup. The fox quickly licks up(舔)all the soup in his bowl, but the stork can not drink any of the soup because the bowl is too shallow(浅的)for her long beak(嘴).

The fox licks his lips and asks, "Why don't you eat your soup?" And before the stork can answer, the fox takes her bowl and licks it up.

The stork, who is polite, says only, "It is polite of you to invite me to dinner. I would like to invite you to my place for dinner tomorrow."

The next evening, when the fox sits down at the stork's table, soup is served in tall, heavy jars(堆子).The stork drinks down her soup happily, but the fox can not get the soup inside. This time, the fox is hungry but he is also wiser.

1.Why does the fox invite the stork for dinner?

A. The stork is the fox's good friend.

B. The fox has delicious food at his den.

C. The fox wants to play a trick on the stork.

D. The stork likes to eat the fox's tasty soup.

2.The stork asks the fox to dinner to      .

A. show his politeness   B. give the fox a lesson

C. treat the fox like a friend   D. say his thanks to the fox

3.What may the fox do next time when he invites the stork to dinner?

A. He will let the stork have a good meal.

B. He will make the stork hungry again.

C. He will ask the stork to cook for him.

D. He will use a shallow bowl for the stork.

