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Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填人适当的词,使其内容通顺,首字母已给,每空格限填一词)

How do you eat candy? Do you eat it quickly or enjoy it slowly? Is there a d1.?

The answer is—Yes. If a person eats too much sugar, his or her t2.will be very bad.

Some people may eat the sugar quickly, and o3.may eat it slowly. In fact, some scientists found out that how you eat sugar a4.your teeth’s health differently.

Carole Palmer is a USA scientist. She tells us some interesting facts. She says that the more time sugar s5.on your teeth, the worse it is for your teeth's health. For example, if you drink a bottle of soda in minutes, i6.of drinking it slowly for hours, there will be less danger for your teeth.

Nobody wants to have bad teeth. So, if you want to have h7.teeth, you should change some of your habits. For example, you can drink your coffee or tea quickly. Let sugar spend less time in your mouth. Because sugar is bad for your health, anyway, you should just eat less of it.

