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I have some boxes. One is small . It’s blue . One is full(满的)of books .It’s red. The third is new. There is nothing in it . There are some old bottles in a big blue box. Today, I want to put the red box in the car, but I can’t carry it. My mother helps me. And she can put the box in the car.

1.I have _____boxes.

A. one        B. two       C. three     D. four

2.I want to put the____ box in the car.

A. blue     B. small      C. new      D. full

3.The____box is empty.

A. red       B. small       C. new       D. blue

4.The red box is ____,so I can’t carry it.

A. heavy     B. light      C. old         D. small

5._____helps me put the red box in the car.

A. Father       B. Mother    C.  Nobody    D.  My friend

