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In the US, lots of people have waimai, or food delivered to their home. Pizza and Chinese food are popular. The delivery _________ can usually get the food to your door in half an hour.

But wanmai for other things is not so quick in the US. For example, if you order toothpaste or cooking oil, it will usually _________ at least one day to arrive.

Here in China. I can order nearly anything and get it _________ just 30 to 45 minutes. Did I forget to buy onions and cabbages for making dinner? No problem -- waimai will deliver it soon. There is even waimai for things _________medicine and snacks.

Some people say this makes people lazier. I guess they’re not wrong. But I really love the _________ life.

1.A.drivers B.postmen C.policemen D.cleaners

2.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay

3.A.at B.for C.after D.in

4.A.as for B.such as C.rather than D.instead of

5.A.comfortable B.convenient C.careful D.common

