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Shyness is more common than you think, and it is stopping millions of people just like you from living more excitingly. 1. Here is how to break free from shyness.

Set realistic expectations.

Everyone wants something different. 2. As you learn these skills, it is important to be very clear about what you want and what it looks like. The goal here is to get you to feel good about being who you are and connecting with people.


The most effective way to overcome shyness is to change your focus from you to them. Remember the last time you were in a situation and you were nervous or shy? I'd be willing to believe you were focusing on yourself; how you looked, what you were going to say, or how different you were from everyone else. Sure, it's important to be aware of how you are being thought, but people always remember how you make them feel. 4. People that shine are focusing on delivering, serving and benefiting others in some way.

Be interested instead of trying to be interesting.

Make the focus of every conversation about someone else at first. 5. Asking questions and caring about what the person says immediately gets you out of your own head and makes the person feel special.

A.Focus on sharing.

B.Remember not to stop others.

C.However, there is no reason you can't shine in your own way.

D.This will take the pressure off you and make them feel important.

E.Trying to pretend that you are not nervous makes people nervous.

F.To make them feel good, you must focus on sharing with them and helping them.

G.Some want to be on stage while others want to be comfortable in a business meeting.

