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                         Driven to See Movies

Have you ever thought of a new idea that you would like to try? In the 1930s,a man named Richard Hollingshead did. He thought of an idea to bring together his two favorite interests:cars and movies. He wanted to start a business.  1.  Richard tested the idea in his driveway. First he put a machine called a movre projector(放映机)on his car. Then he put up a sheet(床单)between two trees. The sheet was like the white screen used in theaters. Richard played a movie on the screen using the movie projector. Next,Richard placed a radio behind the sheet.   2.  .He tried to test whether the sound could be heard from the car. He rolled his car windows up and down to find the best way to hear the movie. Finally,he tested whether a movie could be seen and heard in the rain.   3. 

In 1933,he opened the first drive in movie theater. The theater was as big as a football field.

4.  . The screen was 30 feet high and 40 feet wide. Speakers were placed next to the screen so the sound could be heard. Right away,the drive in movie theater became popular. The cost to see a movie was just 25 cents per person. By the 1950s,there were about 5 ,000 drive in movie theaters.

They remained popular until the television came along.

  5.  . But people who live near the theater still enjoy this fun activity. Today drive in movie theaters give people the same joy as they did more than 80 years ago.

A. Every test he tried was successful

B. And it was big enough for about 400 cars

C. Sound for the movie came from the radio

D. People could watch movies from their cars

E. Today there are fewer than 800 drive—in movie theaters

