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阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Saint-Ex back from the dead

The French Government confirmed last Wednesday that pieces found at the bottom of the Mediterranean belonged to a plane piloted by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, one of France's most beloved authors. The discovery throws some 1on Saint-Exupery's mysterious disappearance about sixty years ago.

The author of "The Little Prince" disappeared completely during World War II while     2a group of men for the Allies (联盟)over 3of France on July 31, 1944. But  in May 2000, a professional diver discovered the remains of a Lockheed Lightning P38 plane thrown here and there on the seabed in 70 metres of water 4the French port of Marseilles. A state ban (禁令) on 5dives in the area delayed further searches until October 2003. At that time, a salvage (打捞)team 6pieces of the aircraft's landing parts and engine. One of the pieces 7a maker's number. It wasn't until last Wednesday that  the researchers 8confirmed that it belonged to Saint-Exupery’s plane.

Saint-Exupery was 44 when he 9out to photograph parts of southern France in 10for the Allied landings there, but was never seen again. Repeated searches of the coast 11to turn up the aircraft, leaving the author's disappearance 12in mystery. The discovery was a dream for 13, even if it did not explain why the plane came down.

Saint Exupery was a great adventurer whose life and 14turned him into one of the country's biggest heroes. "The Little Prince" is a tale about a little boy who tells his    15to a pilot he meets in the Sahara Desert.

1.A. ideas          B. light            C. thought          D. views

2.A. sending            B. seeing off       C. flying           D. being together with

3.A. the east           B. the west         C. the north            D. the south

4.A. along              B. off              C. over                 D. to

5.A. late           B. immediate    C. further              D. new

6.A. searched           B. got              C. found out        D. recovered

7.A. got            B. bore             C. made             D. put

8.A.surely          B. carefully        C. completely       D. finally

9.A. sent           B. flew         C. turned               D. came

10.A. preparation  B. search       C. group            D. secret

11.A. succeeded         B. failed       C. got                  D. missed

12.A. recovered         B. covered          C. unknown              D. known

13.A. dives             B. France       C. authors              D. historians

14.A. books         B. stories          C. plane                D. war

15.A. discoveries       B. author           C. experiences          D. searches

