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Lost: My camera

It is white. I lost it in the morning in the park.

My name is Jane Smith.

My telephone number is 43359654.

Lost: My schoolbag

It is blue. There is a watch, three books and a wallet in it.

My name is Cindy Green.

Email me at cindygreen@126.com.

Found: A football

I found a football on the playground this afternoon. Is it yours?

Now it is in the lost and found box. 


Found: A coat

Is this coat yours? It is red. There is a picture of two ducks on it.

Please call me at 69657743 or email me at kelly0790@163.com.


1.______ lost a camera.

A. Jane              B. Cindy         C. Henry

2.What colour is Cindy’s schoolbag?

A. It’s red.         B. It’s yellow.       C. It’s blue.

3.______ is / are in the lost and found box.

A. A watch           B. A football       C. A red coat

4.Sarah lost a coat, and she can ______.

A. call 43359654  

B. email cindygreen@163.com 

C. email kelly0790@126.com

5.Which of the following is TURE?

A. Jane’s family name is Green.

B. There is a pencil in Cindy’s schoolbag.

C. We know Jane’s telephone number.

