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Name: Karishma

Animal type: Asian elephant

Age: 11

Weight(重量): 2,300 kg

Favorite food: fruit and cakes

Name: Lumpur

Animal type: Asian tiger

Age: 11

Weight: 130 kg

Favorite food: chicken

Name: Ellish

Animal type: African giraffe

Age: 4

Weight: 750 kg

Favorite food: grass and leaves

Name: Spike

Animal type: African lion

Age: 7

Weight: 200 kg

Favorite food: beef

1.Where does Karishma come from?

A. Asia.   B. Africa.   C. Australia.   D. South America.

2.What's Lumpur's favorite food?

A. Cakes.   B. Fish.   C. Beef.   D. Chicken.

3.How old is Ellish?

A. 3.   B. 4.   C. 7.   D. 11.

4.What animal is Lumpur?

A. A tiger.   B. A lion.   C. A giraffe.   D. An elephant.

5.What's the weight of Spike?

A. 130 kg.   B. 200 kg.   C. 750 kg.   D. 2,300 kg.

