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There was once a little orphan(孤儿的)girl who had no family and no one to love her. She felt sad and lonely(孤独的).

One day, while she was walking in a garden, she noticed a small butterfly caught in a bush. The more the butterfly tried to free itself, the deeper the thorn(刺)cut into its body. The girl carefully helped the butterfly out. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy(仙女).

"For your wonderful kindness," said the fairy, "I will grant(保证)you any wish you like."

The little girl thought for a while and answered, "I want to be happy!"

"Very well!" The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the good fairy disappeared.

As the little girl grew up, she stayed happy. Everyone asked her the secret(秘密)of her happiness. She would only smile and answer, "The secret of happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl."

When she was very old and on her death bed, her neighbors were afraid that her secret of happiness would die with her. "Tell us, please," they asked. "Tell us what the good fairy said."

The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, "She told me that everyone, no matter how secure(安稳的)they seemed, how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me."

Everyone has need of you.

1.What happened when the butterfly tried to get itself free from the bush?

A. It saved itself.   B. It got cut deeper.

C. It got tired.     D. It got sick

2.Why did the fairy grant the little girl a wish?

A. Because the girl asked her to do so.

B. Because it was the fairy's job.

C. Because the girl helped her out.

D. Because the girl was too poor.

3.How did the fairy grant the little girl's wish?

A. By giving her a lot of money.

B. By giving her a big house.

C. By helping her find her parents.

D. By telling her how to stay happy.

4.According to the passage, what is the secret of happiness?

A. Being needed by others.

B. Being rich.

C. Being helped by a fairy.

D. Being loved by others.

