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10%  Off

Show this voucher(优惠劵) at the Book Store to get a 10% discount(减价) on any books you buy . We have lots of books to choose from , including children’s books , novels , travel guides and hobbies. You’re sure to find something that you will enjoy.

Assistant Wanted

For a busy restaurant,work on weekends. All meals are free(免费). Call at 4323577 for more information.

Lost Cat

Help me find my pet cat ! She is 4 years old . She has long white hair and a long tail. Her name is Cathy . Call Carrie at 2853527

1.If you find a cat with long white hair and a long tail,you can call      .

A. 4323577   B. 4232577

C. 2853537   D. 2853527

2.There are several kinds of books on sale except      .

A. children’s books   B. travel guides

C. magazines         D. novels

3.The assistant has lunch at the restaurant , she should      .

A. pay nothing   B. call 4323577

C. work on Monday   D. pay the meal

