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We have some helpful people in our community centre. Please look at the information about them below.

Zhang Bingzhu

Retired (退休的) teacher.

40 years of teaching in a middle school.

Good at Chinese.

Free from Monday to Friday.

Telephone number:



Oldteacher 1999 @ 126.com

Allan Smith

Computer programmer (程序员).

Works in Lenovo.

Good at fixing computers and phones.

Call him any time.

Telephone number:


QQ: 282464095 (Running Man)

Bob White

Gardener (园艺师).

Good at looking at flowers.

Comes to the community centre every Sunday.

Leave a message when you need his help.

QQ: 374581627


Oldteacher 1999@ 126.com

1.Zhang Bingzhu can help children ________.

A. fix things         B. learn Chinese

C. look after flowers   D. play sports

2.Maybe Lenovo is a ________.

A. hospital        B. restaurant

C. computer company  D. post office

3.If your phone doesn’t work well, you can call ________ for help.

A. 13814148878  B. 374581627

C. 282464095   D. 15036147806

4.Who is Bob White?

A. A retired teacher.     B. A computer programmer.

C. A good gardener.     D. A computer manager.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Zhang Bingzhu is not free at weekends.

B. Allan Smith is a retired programmer.

C. Bob White comes to the community centre twice a week.

D. You can’t call Allan Smith on Fridays.

