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Social media is a big part of most people’s lives. There are social apps and sites like WeChat and Sina Weibo, as well as video apps like Douyin and Kuaishou. How do you behave when you use these apps?

Recently researchers at the University of Sussex, UK, studied social media users ranging from 10 to 15 years old. They found there are four personality types. They are either a “geek (极客)”, an “internet celebrity (网红)”, a “lurker (潜伏者)” or a “victim (受害者)” on social media.


Victims don’t have enough knowledge to keep themselves safe online. To avoid being a victim, you should follow these tips.

First, check your privacy settings on social media. Choose “Friends only” for your posts.

Second, do not share your birthday, age, or place of birth. This information can be used to find out more about you.

Lastly, do not share the location of your home or your vacation plans. Thieves may break into your home if they know you are not there.


Geeks are active social media users who care about their privacy (隐私). They often post creative works online, using unreal names.

The movie The Social Network tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg. He is comfortable in his online life, but finds life in the real world to be much more difficult to deal with. This can remind “geeks” to try to avoid becoming addicted (上瘾的) to the Internet and take part in more face-to-face communication.

Internet celebrities

Internet celebrities might become well-known for their singing or dancing. And many of them share almost every aspect of their lives in order to attract more fans.

Being a teenage internet celebrity can sometimes cause problems in the real world, according to an article published by The Atlantic. Teenage celebrities might spend less time studying and more time online, which may be harmful to their study


Most teenagers probably fall into the type – “lurkers”. You probably have such friends who prefer to “like” and share links , rather than creating their own content online.

The problem for these teenagers is that they may find it difficult to express themselves. But at least they make sure to protect their privacy.

Social media 1.


●They are usually 2.and like to post creative works online.

●Mark Zuckerberg is an example.

●They should have more 3. communication with others.

Internet 4.

●They like sharing almost everything about their 5..

6.too much time online may be harmful to their study.


●They prefer to “like” and share links instead of creating their own content.

●They may have trouble 7.themselves.

●They can protect their privacy well.


●They don’t know 8.to keep themselves safe online.

●To avoid being a victim, choose “Friends only” for your posts.

●They shouldn’t share personal 9..

●They shouldn’t tell others where they live or their 10.for vacation.

