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One day Mrs. Smith was sitting in her doctor’s waiting room when a young boy and his mother entered the office. The young boy caught Mrs. Smith’s attention _________he wore a patch over one eye. She felt _________ at how natural he seemed to be even though he lost one of his eyes.

The doctor’s office was very busy that day, so Mrs. Smith had an opportunity to have a chat with the boy’s mother while he played with his toy soldiers.

In the end, Mrs. Smith took the chance to ask the little boy what had happened to his eye. He _________ her question for a long moment, and then replied, lifting the patch, “There’s nothing wrong with my eye. I’m a pirate (海盗)!” Then he returned to his _________ .

Mrs. Smith was there because she had lost her leg from the knee down in a car accident. Her 35 today was to check whether it had been OK enough to be fitted with a prosthetic (假肢). The loss had been _________ to her. Try as she would to be brave, she felt like a disabled fool. She knew that this loss should not have a bad effect on her life, but emotionally, she could not get out of the fear and sadness.

The word “pirate” changed her life. Immediately, she saw herself dressed as Long John Silver, a famous pirate, standing aboard a pirate ship. She stood with her legs planted wide apart. The ship rocked under the storm’s force. _________she stood firmly (稳固地). She smiled into a storm.

At that moment, the disabled image was replaced and her courage _________.

She regarded the young boy with respect, who was just busy with his soldiers.

A few minutes later, the nurse called her. As she _________ on her crutches, the

boy noticed her leg. “Hey lady,” he called, “What’s wrong with your leg?” the young boy’s mother felt very sorry for her son’s question.

Mrs. Smith looked down at her shortened leg for a moment. Then she replied with a smile, “Nothing. I’m a _________ , too.”

1.A. however   B. because     C. so        D. although

2.A. bored    B. angry      C. surprised D. tired

3.A. answered  B. described C. explained D. considered

4.A. game     B. choice       C. action    D. course

5.A. dream    B. direction C. trip     D. prediction

6.A. terrible   B. lucky      C. normal   D. natural

7.A. Hardly   B. Still      C. Ever     D. Never

8.A. developed B. broke    C. lost     D. returned

9.A. balanced  B. fell        C. fixed     D. knocked

10.A. solider   B. doctor     C. mother    D. pirate

