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Last night it was still light out when I returned home from work. My new neighbors and his _________ were in their favorite place, outside in the yard, playing baseball. The young boy always reports to me how many "home runs" he hits and I always clap and _________ for him.

These guys are special. Where you see one of them, the other is not far away. The dad is always talking with the child face to face, _________ on the child… not talking on a cellphone or walking ahead of the boy so that he has to run to _________ him. This guy is really great. It   _________ my heart to see a father and son enjoying each other's _________ like they do.

As they were returning to their upstairs apartment, I_________ the dad if his son had a _________   . The boy was far ahead and couldn't hear us. He said no. I _________ no time going to the store and I was beside myself with excitement as I _________ a new bike in a style that most kids like. I_________ the bike into my car carefully and off I went.

At home, I took out the bike and carried it upstairs to their _________ and left it outside the door. Not an easy _________ for a 50-year-old woman! About five minutes later, they were at my door, with the boy dancing up and down with _________ , the dad humble (谦卑的)and _________  . I told the dad that I needed to get rid of a bike that I was _________  for a friend, and he was happy to take it from me. Now the two of them have another_________  they can do together.

I told the dad _________  proud I was of him for valuing quality time with his son. It's something the boy will   _________  throughout his life. For me, it's one of life's _________ to see them together.

1.A. daughter      B. son          C. sister       D. brother

2.A. call         B. care         C. cheer        D. prepare

3.A. focusing       B. depending      C. carrying       D. passing

4.A. put up with     B. keep up with     C. look up to    D. look forward to

5.A. breaks       B. burns         C. hurts        D. warms

6.A. company      B. benefit        C. respect       D. hope

7.A. told         B. demanded     C. asked        D. suggested

8.A. doll         B. toy          C. car         D. bike

9.A. saved        B. wasted        C. spent         D. had

10.A. picked out    B. gave out       C. broke out     D. figured out

11.A. sent       B. filled       C. charged       D. put

12.A. apartment     B. office         C. shop         D. hotel

13.A. effort      B. duty         C. task          D. road

14.A. courage      B. excitement     C. calmness       D. disappointment

15.A. active       B. careful        C. serious        D. thankful

16.A. repairing      B. producing      C. storing      D. hiding

17.A. activity     B. interest       C. movement     D. experiment

18.A. why         B. how          C. what         D. whether

19.A. imagine      B. expect        C. follow       D. remember

20.A. purposes      B. dreams        C. pleasures     D. secrets

