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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

People don’t know how you feel until you tell them. _________ years ago, my best friend Randy died of cancer at the age of 41. He was always _________and he lived life to the full. There was one thing  _________ in his life. In 41 years, his father never said to him that he was _________  of him, loved him and believed in him. These words were the only thing Randy ever  _________ from his father but in 41 years Randy never got any of them.

For three years while Randy was  _________ the cancer, every time I saw him, I _________ him a bear hug and told him how much I  _________  him. Randy has been gone for twenty years. I miss him and his father also misses him, _________ I don’t have to live with regret that I never told Randy what he_________ to me. His father does. I’m convinced(说服) that if his father had one  _________ , he would choose to be given a chance to tell his son how much he loved him. _________ he’ll never get that chance. It is too_________  for him. He will live the rest of his life with that_________  .

It may still not be too late for you. Is there anyone in your _________ who would love to or needs to have some special words of love, encouragement or  _________ from you? Is there anyone who deserves and wants to_________  the words and doesn’t want to “just intuitively (凭直觉地) know” how you feel? Life is too   _________ , leaving many words not spoken and many deeds not done. _________  ,people don’t know how you feel until you tell them how you feel. I’m sure there must be someone you can call, visit or write to. Don’t wait until it is too late. _________ it now.

1.A. Ten    B. Twenty    C. Thirty    D. Forty

2.A. sad    B. silent    C. kind    D. positive

3.A. missing    B. catching    C. breaking    D. shaking

4.A. kind    B. sure    C. proud    D. scared

5.A. wanted    B. heard    C. received    D. suffered

6.A. curing    B. seeing    C. fighting    D. checking

7.A. made    B. gave    C. created    D. took

8.A. respected    B. understood    C. thanked    D. loved

9.A. or    B. and    C. but    D. otherwise

10.A. meant    B. showed    C. proved    D. brought

11.A. plan    B. wish    C. idea    D. guide

12.A. Briefly    B. Probably    C. Surprisingly    D.Unfortunately

13.A. late    B. eager    C. much    D. hard

14.A. goal    B. regret    C. dream    D. thought

15.A. class    B. home    C. life    D. school

16.A. suggestion    B. anxiety    C. anger    D. support

17.A. explain    B. tell    C. hear    D. say

18.A. colorful    B. short    C. different    D. valuable

19.A. Again    B. Thus    C. However    D. Besides

20.A. Find    B. Get    C. Make    D. Do

