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阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

In my second year of high school, the class was to run the mile. I will always 36

that day because due to the 37 from medical operation on my 38 , for two years I had not worn shorts. I was afraid of being laughed at. Yet that day, it didn’t 39 . I was ready 40 , heart and mind. I had 41  got to the starting line than I heard the loud 42 . “How ugly!” I blocked it out.

Then the coach shouted, “Ready. Go!” I jetted out of there like a 43 , faster than anyone else for the first 20 feet. I knew 44  about speed then, but it was OK because I was 45 to finish first. As I started the third lap (圈), only a few of my classmates were left on the track, and I began limping (跛行). By the time I hit the fourth lap, I was 46 . Then it hit me. I realized that nobody had 47 . Everyone had already finished, 48 . As I ran that last lap, I cried. 49  12 minutes 42 seconds after starting I crossed the finish line. I 50  to the ground and shed oceans.

Suddenly my coach ran up to me and picked me up, saying, “You did it. Manuel! Son, you FINISHED!” He looked at me 51  in the eyes, waving a piece of paper in his hand. It was my 52  for the day, which I had given to him before class. He read it 53  to everyone. It simply said, “I, Manuel, will finish the mile run tomorrow, come what may.”

My heart 54  with a smile on my face. My classmates cheered. It was then that I 55 winning isn’t always finishing first. Sometimes winning is just finishing.

1.A. remind       B. remember      C. realize        D. repay

2.A. doctor       B. reason         C. mark          D. effect

3.A. hand        B. back           C. forehead       D. leg

4.A. matter       B. appear         C. hurt           D. wound

5.A. success      B. failure         C. shoes          D. shorts

6.A. no matter    B. no longer       C. no sooner       D. no more

7.A. cry         B. whisper        C. voice           D. laughter

8. A. horse       B. player         C. runner          D. plane

9.A. something   B. nothing        C. anything        D. everything

10.A. decided     B. determined     C. excited         D. encouraged

11.A. lucky       B. lonely         C. afraid          D. alone

12.A. given up     B. given away    C. given out        D. given in

13.A. yet         B. instead        C. rather           D. still

14.A. Since       B. Until          C. Before          D. After

15. A. came       B. ran            C. fell             D. escaped

16. A. specially   B. directly         C. actively          D. carefully

17.A. goal       B. fault           C. shame           D. pity

18. A. loudly     B. aloud           C. even            D. ever

19. A. fell       B. bent            C. lifted            D. broke

20.A. recognized   B. told           C. remembered       D. realized

