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One evening, an elderly lady ___1.___ (drive) past a small town when one of her tires suddenly blew out. Even though all she had was only a flat tire, it was ___2.__ bad situation for a woman of her age. She was very ___3.__ (confuse), especially with the weather ____4.__ (get) colder and colder. At that moment, a man stopped his car in front of hers and asked ___5.____ she needed help. The old lady became even more nervous because the man looked poor and ____6.____ (hunger). However, since no one else had stopped to help her during the past hours, she stood back and let him help her. After the man finished changing the tire, the lady was willing ___7.____ (pay) him any amount of money. To her ___8.____ (astonish), the man replied that he just wanted to help her, just as others had helped him in the past. He didn’t want the lady to pay him back anything. Instead, he just wanted her to help others __9.__ need as well. Later that evening, the lady helped a heavily pregnant woman. _10.____ never occurred to her that the woman was the poor man’s wife.

