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Over the last century, tiger habitats 1. (fall) by around 95 percent, and there are now 2. (few) than 4,000 tigers alive in the wild, reports the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Of the nine species of tiger, three have already died out and the remaining six 3. (consider) endangered. The most common cause of the decrease of a tiger species is us human, whether from hunting or destroying their habitats.

Siberian tigers, also known 4. Amur and Manchurian tigers, were once found throughout the Russian Far East, northern China and the Korea, according to the WWE. By the 1940s, 5. (hunt) had reduced their number to 40, but Russia has since taken steps towards protecting them, and their numbers have risen about 500 as 6. result Challenges to their continued existence include illegal hunting 7. not having enough food. At the moment, Siberian tigers represent the largest tiger population on the planet.

Of all tiger subspecies, the South China tiger may be at the greatest risk of 8. (extinct). The WWF reports there are just 30 to 80 South China tigers 9. (leave) in the world, all of 10. are in captivity (被圈养); the South China tiger hasn’t been seen in the wild in over a quarter-century.

