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Bradley likes jumping (跳)on his bed.His mom keeps telling him, “Don't_______on the bed, Bradley. It's dangerous.

But Bradley_________listens to his mom. Every_________ after he gets up, he jumps on the bed. If Bradley jumps_________ high, he can see his mon's_________ out of the window.

It's 7: 00 a.m. Bradley_________, “Mom will never know if I jump just a little.” He begins to jump on the_________.He jumps higher and higher. "I can see Mom's car " He jumps so_________. Then he slips(滑倒) of the bed.

Mom runs_________the room. “Bradley, you still jump on your bed____________I tell you not to, right?”

Mom puts____________ on the bed.” I have to take you to the____________, Bradley.”

Bradley doesn't ____________ to go, but Mom takes him there. After they get home____________the hospital, Mom puts Bradley on the sofa. She goes into his room and makes his bed and then brings him some____________.

Bradley has soup. “Mom, I will never jump on my bed any more,” he says.

1.A.dance B.sing C.jump D.eat

2.A.always B.never C.usually D.sometimes

3.A.night B.evening C.afternoon D.morning

4.A.also B.early C.really D.still

5.A.car B.bike C.bed D.room

6.A.thinks B.talks C.remembers D.asks

7.A.chair B.desk C.bed D.sofa

8.A.sadly B.slowly C.happily D.early

9.A.on B.behind C.with D.into

10.A.before B.after C.or D.so

11.A.it B.her C.him D.them

12.A.hospital B.school C.zoo D.library

13.A.miss B.want C.dream D.think

14.A.to B.from C.in D.at

15.A.chocolates B.bread C.milk D.soup

