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Tony and Carol were best friends. They lived _________ each other, so they went to school together and played together.

One morning when Tony and Carol_________the classroom, the teacher introduced(介绍)a new _________to the class. Her name is Lisa. Lisa sat next to Carol. At lunch time Carol asked Lisa to sit with her and Tony. Tony was excited, because he_________ to talk to their new friend. But he could_________speak with Carol. And Carol gave her_________to Lisa. Carol usually gave it to Tony! After school, Carol and Lisa talked about their_________for the summer. But Tony didn't say_________to them.

When Carol was ready to go home, Tony was waiting for her. He looked_________. He said to Carol "I am your best friend,____________today you talked with Lisa all the time. You gave your cake to her, and I____________you talking about summer plans. I ____________ that I'm not your best friend! You like ____________ better. “Carol felt sorry for what she did. She said to Tony, “Don’t be so sad, Tony. She can't take your____________in my heart. But we____________can be best friends. Let's play with her together tomorrow.

1.A.far away B.the same as C.far from D.close to

2.A.reached B.left C.cleaned D.visited

3.A.teacher B.classmate C.pet D.magazine

4.A.forgot B.remembered C.expected D.appeared

5.A.easily B.hardly C.comfortably D.carefully

6.A.cake B.apple C.orange D.candy

7.A.friends B.food C.money D.plans

8.A.something B.everything C.anything D.everyone

9.A.happy B.sad C.surprised D.lucky

10.A.but B.so C.though D.because

11.A.hoped B.heard C.knew D.cared

12.A.would like B.look like C.feel like D.sound like

13.A.her B.me C.him D.them

14.A.example B.action C.grade D.place

15.A.two B.three C.four D.five

