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In the USA, the importance of a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) cannot be underestimated (低估). This measure of a student’s academic performance is 1. important factor when he or she decides to apply to a university. It is, however, not the only 2.(consider). One of the most important factors universities look at is the student’s extracurricular (课外的) activities, which are 3. (simple) the work students do outside his or her academic studies.

One of the 4. (easy) ways to get involved in extracurricular activities is to join a campus club. There are many clubs 5. campus that might interest students. 6. (find) a list of the clubs your high school or college offers, you can go to the Student Union. Additionally, nearly every department has a club which is 7. (connect) with it . For example, the Psychology Department probably has a psychology club.

Community involvement is another good way to show university officials your extracurricular activities. There 8. (be) countless volunteer opportunities students can engage in, 9.    help both the community and the student. Working with the homeless or disabled people in the community    10. (look) good on a college application. The more a student is involved in extracurricular activities, the better.

