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Friends Helping Friends

Jack put on his backpack (背包) and walked out of school to catch his bus home. His backpack was full of things he needed to finish his science homework this weekend.

“Hey, Jack!” Carl shouted, running up to him. “My dad’s doing the park clean-up this weekend. Can you help out?”

“Um...” Jack knew he didn’t have time to help, but he hated to say no. “I guess I can.”

“Great. Thanks!” Carl said, waving goodbye.

Jack got onto the bus and took his scat. He was going to have to stay up late tonight to work on his homework so he could help Carl in the morning.

“Jack,” Jane said, sitting down next to him. “I have to walk Mrs. Green’s dogs this weekend. Do you think you could help me?”

“Um...” Jack knew Mrs. Green’s dogs had to be walked three times a day. How would he fit that in on top of everything else? “I guess I can.”

“Great!” Jane waved goodbye as the bus pulled up to their stop.

Jack’s backpack felt even heavier as he walked into the house.

“Hard day?” his mother asked.

“More like hard weekend. I have to finish my science homework, help Carl with the park clean-up, and help Jane walk Mrs. Green’s dogs.”

“Sounds like you agreed to too many things this weekend,” his mother said.

“I know, but Carl and Jane are my friends. I couldn’t say ‘no’ to them. I didn’t want to let them down.” Jack looked at his mum. “What should I do?”

“I’m glad you want to help your friends, but you need to have time for your own things, too.”

Jack knew she was right. “Maybe I can tell Carl that I can only help for two hours in the morning. And I can probably help Jane walk dogs early in the morning, but not at lunchtime or in the evening.” Jack said. “Mom, do you think they’ll get unhappy?”

“They’re your friends. Tell them you need time to finish your science homework. They’ll understand.”

Jack nodded and got the phone. He told Carl and Jane the truth. As soon as he hung up, he turned to his mum. “They’re fine with it, and they both offered (提供) to help with homework too.”

“I knew it would work out,” Mom said.

Jack smiled. “Yeah, because friends help each other out.”

1.Jack’s backpack felt even heavier because _________.

A. his mother didn’t like his friends

B. his friends put more books in it

C. he had more things to do

2.In his mother’s eyes, Jack’s problem was that ______.

A. he had too many friends

B. he didn’t know how to say “no”

C. he cared more about his friends than his homework

3.The underlined sentence “They’re fine with it” means “_____________”.

A. They get ready for it

B. They don’t get unhappy

C. They can help each other

4.Jack gets to understand ___________.

A. friendship means more than just saying “yes”

B. only parents can help us out of trouble

C. making friends is very important

