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Donna Reid had just finished her training as a children’s doctor. A famous research hospital in New York had offered her a job with (71) g1. pay. And her boyfriend, Tony, had a clinic(小诊所) in their hometown and hoped she could work with him. At the same time, a small hospital, Backwoods Hospital, in a very poor area had also offered Donna a job. Now it was time for her to decide (72) w2. to work.

Dad: Donna, that research hospital in New York has a good reputation(声誉) for children’s medicine. Some of the best children’s doctors in the country work there and you can (73) l3. a lot from them.

Mom: Yes, I agree it’s a good hospital and the pay is good, too. But, that’s not the point(要点). 

Dad: (74) T4. what’s the point?

Mom: It’s in New York, too far away! Let me tell you, dear Donna. Tony’s clinic is just several miles away. You don’t need to travel (75) f5. if you work there. Tony is a nice young man and I guess you’ll get married soon.

Dad: Ha! It’s hard enough to live with a husband or wife. Working with them, (76) t6.? That’s a choice for trouble. Well, Donna, what do you think?

Donna: I’m thinking about (77) a7. the offer from Backwoods Hospital.

Dad: But Donna, look at their offer! You’ll be on call(随时待命) six days a week. That’s really a (78) h8. job.

Mom: Oh, Donna, the pay is another problem.

Donna: Mom and Dad, I didn’t become a doctor  for enjoying a comfortable life (79) o9..

Dad: No? Then (80) w10. did you become a doctor?

Donna: I want to help people. You know that. And Backwoods serves the poor. Backwoods, here I come!

