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D. Answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题)

ELVIS PRESLEY is considered as one of the most famous musicians in modern times. Imagine you could talk to the King of Rock and Roll(摇滚乐之父). Imagine he hadn’t died. Well, read on!

(Reporter= R, Elvis Presley=E)

R: So Elvis, you were born on 8 th January 1935, weren’t you?

E: Yes, that’s right. I was born in a place called Mississippi(密西西比).

R: Mississippi’s pretty famous, isn’t it?

E: Yes. Mostly because people find it difficult to spell!

R: So, tell me something about your childhood. Life wasn’t easy, was it?

E: No, not really. We were a poor family. My father was a milkman, so he didn’t make much money. I was the only kid who went to school with no shoes on. After I left school, I became a part-time(兼职的) truck driver.

R: But it was your father who bought you your first instruction(乐器), wasn’t it?

E: No, actually it was my mum. She bought me on my 10th birthday. I’ll never forget that. I’ll never forget my mother.

R: She died when you were quite young, didn’t she?

E: I was 24 when she died.

R: You’re always liked listening to rock and roll, haven’t you?

E: Yes. I grew up loving music. I listened to blue, pop and gospel music. I love any type of music, especially loud music and of course, rock and roll is always my favorite.

R: You haven’t always had your own recording studio(录音室), have you?

E: No, I made my first record in a studio owned by someone else. That was in 1954.

R: People say your music has changed as you’ve grown older. It’s become a bit more commercial(商业化), hasn’t it?

E: I don’t know. People say all kinds of things about me. They say I’ve put on weight, too. I’m not too fat, am I?

R: It doesn’t really matter. You’ll always be the greatest musical artist of the 20th century, however much you weigh!

1.What do people usually call Elvis Presley?

2.When and where was Elvis born?

3.Elvis was born in a poor family, wasn’t he? Why do you think so?

4.Was it his father or his mother who bought Elvis his first instrument?

5.What kind of music did Elvis like best?

6.What did the reporter think Elvis Presley would be?

