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These days, we see a lot of shopping festivals. Singles’ Day is a big one for C1.shoppers. It's on Nov 11. In the United States, Black Friday is the most well-known o2..

Black Friday falls on the day a3.the Thanksgiving holiday all the time. On this day, s4. give special deals(特别折扣). Shoppers wake up very early. They wait in line at stores before they open. They may s 5.to wait in line as early as 2 or 3 am. Sometimes there are too many people. They are not able to get inside the stores.

Black Friday is not the o6.shopping festival in the US. Another similar holiday is Cyber(网络的) Monday. This day a7.falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Personally, I don't like a8.of these holidays. They place too much importance on b9.things. I like Buy Nothing Day. The “holiday” falls on the s10.day as Black Friday. It is an international holiday that is against the trend of over-consumption(过度消费).

What do you think about these holidays?

