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Amy goes back to school on Monday, August 26th. She finished primary school last year, and this year she will be starting the sixth grade.

Amy and her mother need to get some school things like pencils and notebooks for her. So they get in their car and go shopping. First, they go to an office supply store to buy the school things. Then they stop at a shop and buy some food for dinner.

Amy's teacher this year will be Mr. Roberts. Mr. Roberts is kind. Amy is happy to have a kind teacher. Amy is also happy to see her friends again, especially her best friend, Sarah. Sarah was her classmate in her primary school.

Amy and her mother carefully prepare her clothes, food, and school things the night before school. She has to wake up tomorrow morning at 6:45 to get ready for school.

On the first day of school, Amy and her mother are waiting for the school bus. When the bus comes, Amy sees Sarah on the bus. Amy says goodbye to her mother and gets on the school bus. She sits next to Sarah. She thinks to herself, "This is going to be a great year!"

1.When does Amy go back to school?


2.What does Amy need to buy for school?


3.Who will be Amy's teacher this year?


4.Does Amy know Sarah?


5.How does Amy feel on her first day of school?


