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Born: 1995                                

Male/ female; Male

Country: Australia                            

Writing language; English

Hey! I'm David and I live in Sydney, I like to play sports and watch films on TV. My favorite lesson is maths and I'd like to be a computer engineer in the future. If you like watching films on TV, write to me! (Address:…)


Born: 1998                               

Male/ female: Male

Country: the UK                            

Writing language: English

Hi! I'm Ashley. I'm 12, much more mature though. I love Japan. I love Japanese cartoons and also J-pop. So if you're Japanese, feel free to tell me anything about Japan! (Address:…)


Born: 1995                                

Male/ female: Female

Country: the USA                            

Writing language: English

Hi! My name is Pauline. I'm a 15-year-old girl who loves movies and cartoons. l love talking to friends, too. The only problem is: I have no friends. I'm looking for a girl penfriend around my age.

Write to me!!!! (PLEASE) Here's my address:…


Born: 1992                                  

Male/ female; Male

Country: Canada                              

Writing languages: English, French

Hello! My name is Vincent and I'm looking for a penfriend between 20 and 25 years old.I teach kids at a primary school. I love music and 1 can play the piano. I enjoy shopping, meeting new friends and learning about new cultures. I won't be a boring (无趣的) penfriend because I have a lot of hobbies. I'm waiting for your answers. :) My address is …

1.David lives in Australia, doesn’t he?


2.What does Pauline love?

She __________________________________________________

3.What’s Vincent’s job?


4.Who wants to know more about Japan?


5.Who do you want to choose as a penfriend? Why?


