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People will do anything to see a free show, even if it is a bad one.

When the news got around that a comedy show would 1. (give) at our local cinema, we all rushed to see it. Everyone had to queue for hours to get 2. free ticket and there must have been several hundred people present. Unluckily, the show was one of the most boring shows we have ever seen. Those 3. failed to see it needn’t have felt 4.(concern), as a great number of the artists who should have appeared didn't come. The only funny thing we 5.(hear) that evening came from the advertiser 6. the beginning of the program. He seemed to be 7.(extreme) nervous and for some minutes stood nervously before the microphone. As soon as he opened his mouth to make an introduction, everyone burst out 8.(laugh). We all knew 9. the poor man should have said, but the words he actually said was, ”Good ladies, evening and10.( gentleman).”

