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Ocean Museum

Open Time: 9:00-17:00     From Thursday to Sunday

Ticket: Y50

Address: 132 Xueyuan Street

Tel: 5439871

Show you a full picture of sea lives!

Health Centre

Time: 9:00-17:30         Closed at weekends

Address: 16 Wenyou Street

Tel: 3801451

Free examinations(免费检查)for the people over(超过)60.

Sunny English Club

For students

Open Time: 16:00-18:00     Every Saturday

Ticket: Y200 a month

Address: 9 Tonghu Street

Tel: 3785290

Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!

1.The Ocean Museum is open for __________days a week.

A.two B.three C.four D.five

2.You will pay ___________ if you want to stay in the English Club for half a year.

A.¥200 B.¥600 C.¥1,200 D.¥2,400

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The teachers in Sunny English Club are all from China.

B.You can go to the Health Centre from Monday to Friday.

C.You can call 3785290 to know more about the living things in the sea.

D.Daniel's 58-year-old grandpa doesn't need to pay for the examinations

