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John Sumner and his bird friend "Chirpy" have developed a special connection since they started spending so many cold days playing together on the________. Sumner first met Chirpy when the bird had a broken leg. The seagull was________. Sumner helped to ________ him back to health.

“I saw him crying and shouting________ my head in pain and I did not know what to do,” recalled 80-year-old Sumner. "The next day he came around me again and tried to _________. He was still shouting in pain. I didn't think he would live, his leg was ________ broken.”

To help the bird, Sumner fed it dog biscuits that he had originated_________ along to the beach for his pet dog Jack. With Sumner's help, Chirpy' s leg got well and it now shares a special ________ with Sumner.

"He comes right up to me, he gets so_________. He won't go to anybody else but me, I think _________he has got some kind of relationship with me, " says Sumner. "Because in March, he will go off and do his natural thing ________then in September, he is back with me ________they have finished making their home.”

Chirpy is believed to be around 20 years old. It won't be close to anybody else on the beach, but the bird will fly straight over to Sumner__________ he arrives. There are about 20 black-headed birds on the beach. Chirpy is the__________one that comes close to summer.

“People are surprised when I tell them about it. They can't believe a seagull would come back like that. It makes you __________ what kind of world we actually are ---- do they know more than we think they know?”

1.A.field B.farm C.mountain D.beach

2.A.lucky B.healthy C.sorry D.easy

3.A.take after B.look after C.take care D.look for

4.A.on B.above C.in D.beside

5.A.leave B.eat C.drink D.land

6.A.careful B.hardly C.completely D.kindly

7.A.brought B.took C.lent D.borrowed

8.A.membership B.relationship C.leadership D.partnership

9.A.smart B.far C.close D.silly

10.A.what B.that C.if D.where

11.A.and B.but C.or D.so

12.A.before B.after C.since D.while

13.A.as long as B.as soon as C.as far as D.as well as

14.A.same B.last C.best D.only

15.A.know B.think C.wonder D.believe

